Bolty may I please have a flame waiver?
Ren and Stimpy flashback :

"Whatever you do , never plush the red , shiny button that says 'Do Not Push' !!"
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto

Messages In This Thread
Bolty may I please have a flame waiver? - by TaMeOlta - 08-13-2003, 01:38 PM

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