help on sin build
Yeah, been reading your stuff Raziel. That has what sparked my attention on Sins :) But, I don't plan on going melee nor BoS. =\

Edit: I can't post in the AB for some reason, maybe im banned or something? Not sure. I had a friend who I let use my accounts when I quit LOD a long time ago who had a bad rep with the AB and got most of my accounts banned there :(

Messages In This Thread
help on sin build - by Sjafi - 08-05-2003, 06:58 PM
help on sin build - by unless - 08-05-2003, 11:26 PM
help on sin build - by Sjafi - 08-05-2003, 11:52 PM
help on sin build - by Raziel - 08-06-2003, 02:01 AM
help on sin build - by Sjafi - 08-06-2003, 02:10 AM
help on sin build - by Raziel - 08-06-2003, 12:51 PM
help on sin build - by unless - 08-07-2003, 02:08 AM
help on sin build - by Sjafi - 08-07-2003, 02:40 AM
help on sin build - by Ice - 08-07-2003, 04:59 AM

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