notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills
Blade Sentinel has listed in skills.txt, under the column 'passivestat1': 'tohit', and under 'passivecalc1': 'lvl*5'. So another benefit to pumping Blade Sentinel is to get a boost to AR. Neither of the other Blade skills have any such bonus listed.

Of course, I have no real idea how much of a benefit it gives. If a level 20 Blade Sentinel is giving +100 AR, big deal. But if it is giving +100%, that could be quite nice. Or it could do something completely different, for all I know.

Quote: (the cool whirling blade animation travels a bit too slowly to hit a single target more than 3 times during its lifetime and twice, in practice, seems far more likely).
Do you know if the Blade has to leave the area of a monster and reenter to damage it a second time? With a big enough monster - like Duriel - it is relatively easy to get one that stays within the body of the monster its entire duration.

Anyway, although I haven't used the skill in awhile, IIRC a well-placed Blade at close range can hit 4-5+ times, at least better than once per second. So I think that "no more than 3 times" only applies when throwing the Blade at range, with a longer flight path. Like Charged Bolt, for example, its effectiveness against a single monster is much higher if you use it at point-blank range.

- Dagni

Messages In This Thread
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Dagni - 08-04-2003, 03:45 AM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by relight - 10-07-2003, 04:44 AM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Guest - 10-07-2003, 05:04 PM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Guest - 10-07-2003, 09:35 PM
notes on v1.10 (beta) Assassin Blade skills - by Guest - 11-02-2003, 04:05 AM

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