D2R PTR Thorny Skills
OK inflict damage to attack is a little improvement but is still inefficient

And I give the least serious example.
But if you take a MapLevel 85 monster able to do around 100 Dmg per hit (for some of them)
Assuming that thorn is physical and monster have 50% physical resistance in Hell
The result in 2.3 with SLVL1 is 100*2,5/2 = 125 compared to 16 (32/2) in 2.4
The result in 2.3 with SLVL20 is 100*10.1/2 = 505 compared to 173.5 (347/2) in 2.4

If I remember correctly, if you have damage reduction it is taken into account by the 2.3. This is the real damage taken that is reflected.
So in 2.3 numbers are at maximum what I calculate and probably less in real situation. And maybe to a point of both 2.3 and 2.4 are quite similar.

In my opinion, It is not enough to be used. They need to raise damage a little bit more

Messages In This Thread
D2R PTR Thorny Skills - by Ruvanal - 01-26-2022, 12:51 AM
RE: D2R PTR Thorny Skills - by myrdinn - 01-26-2022, 11:02 AM
RE: D2R PTR Thorny Skills - by Ruvanal - 01-26-2022, 03:19 PM
RE: D2R PTR Thorny Skills - by myrdinn - 01-27-2022, 09:59 AM

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