Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr
Trying this build made me realize just how ignorant I was in regards to Taunt's mechanics. I had always assumed that it was an area of effect cry with a chance to work based off of some clevel/mlevel formula, kind of like howl. Needless to say, I generally tried it once for kicks, didn't like the results, and moved on.

The fact that Taunt targets one monster at a time was news to me (I say again, I was really ignorant - yet somehow I doubt I'm the only one). I therefore also didn't know that it auto targets the closest non-taunted monster if your cursor isn't over a monster (or over an already taunted monster), nor that you can tactically select the monster you want to taunt with your cursor. Very handy in the case of getting ranged attackers out of their firing cycles first before worrying about less threatening monsters that may be closer.

Once you have a sense of how many Taunt/Battle Cry affected monsters you can manage in a single pack (depends on the monsters and your gear), it may be useful to switch to a couple weapons with fast cast modifiers (Suicide Branch, Wizardspike, and "Heart of the Oak" come to mind) to spam enough taunts to quickly pull the appropriate number of monsters and then switch back to your frenzy weapons to do your killing. Doing enough Taunts to affect every succeptible monster in a play session without using any fast cast can get fairly tedious.

It's a fun build and seems strong twinked or untwinked. (I tried it out twinked to see how it felt) There's a nice symmetry to the skill point usage in that there isn't a lot of heavy pumping of any skills that aren't going to get used beyond their synergy effects (pumping something just for synergy always feels wasteful to me).

[Edit - I LOVE the fact that taunted frenzytaurs only use a normal attack when taunted. Worth using a lvl 1 taunt on them with other builds...]

Messages In This Thread
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by Olon97 - 07-31-2003, 01:42 AM
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by jms - 08-05-2003, 08:20 PM
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by Guest - 12-10-2003, 06:36 PM

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