Conc's Toxic Rain Occultist 3.6 League Start
(04-25-2019, 04:50 AM)MonTy Wrote: I don't blame you for keeping Inc. AOE - really helps with clear speed and just overall keeping enemies in the dot damage. How close are you to level 3 empower?

For Toxic Rain, AoE is not JUST about keeping enemies in the DOT area. It is a single target damage increase as well.

Because some pods "miss" by landing too far away from the target for their DOT to affect the center, increased AoE increases the average number of DOTs that stack on a single target. I may go through the math and demonstrate exactly how much at some point, but 50% increased AoE can be felt in terms of single target DPS. I'd estimate the 50% increase AoE support to be approximately equivalent to a ~20-25% more damage multiplier for single target in addition to the benefit of keeping things in the AoE for mapping. Less single target increase than a pure damage support, but still a good balance for mapping.

I ended up buying a corrupted level 3 empower, as I realized they were selling for only 5c each... so I bought 3. One for Flame dash, as I added arcane surge to flame dash, and this let me bump up the arcane surge another level due to the added mana cost, and one for Bane / Despair for boss damage, though enhance does more for that, I haven't been able to 6 link my chest yet (only tried 3-400 fusings)

I still leveled my own, but I just finished it this weekend with the help of Tora in research (Tora 3star in research is over 200 million gem XP, and the quality of the gem increases that XP too, so it's a good chunk each time you get her 3 stars in research.)

So now I took out inc AoE and am using lvl 3 empower. I Leo 3 star slammed the bow and this weekend I crafted my boots up. I was waiting until I had another annul to try, so I was using 43% move speed magic boots for a while. Turns out the regal hit T1 lightning resist, so I ended up not using the annul. Had to buy slightly different gloves for cold resist that cost less than selling the annul (Annul prices are INSANE this league.) So now DPS is up quite a bit (less AoE, but single target ~+50% more than last pastebin) and ES is quickly approaching 8500. Character feels very strong. I did my first T15 map lastnight, had no issues at all. Only deaths since getting the bow and ~8k ES have been to me not reacting properly to corrupted blood or something equally dumb (atziri AoE reflect issues, for example).

I found a well rolled vixen's entrapment, and I want to test how adding Temporal Chains to Bane in addition to Despair feels on guardians. It may be worth re-doing the tree (4 points) or using Vixen's entrapment to apply an additional curse. I suspect it is worth it to trade off some DPS / attack speed to get the extra slow, as DPS doesn't appear to be a significant issue, but I want to get to guardians to test that out. None of it really matters on maps. Even map bosses die very quick.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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RE: Conc's Toxic Rain Occultist 3.6 League Start - by Concillian - 04-29-2019, 05:45 PM

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