Conc's Toxic Rain Occultist 3.6 League Start
Last night I got to maps and have the following comments on the build (and will make the appropriate changes to the above descriptions)

1) I definitely rushed switching to CI. I knew I was pushing it, but wanted to make Doedre easy, but in doing so, I was pretty squshy through the last 2 acts. Will adjust guide to give the option of switching CI for the chaos portion of the story... later act 7 with all the chaos annihilators through Doedre, then refund the point for the extra life buffer.

2) With CI coming later, I think it makes sense to take a damage bonus first ascendancy instead of the ES bonus. Damage felt just slightly lacking until like mid 50s or so. Just slightly, and the first damage ascendancy is -20% chaos resist to enemies, which is a pretty big damage boost, I think that might make leveling feel a bit better.

3) overall damage is good, the character is slower than my raider and less able to play how I like playing TR until you're geared for maps. I like playing TR by running in, flasking (including the all-important phasing flask) standing in front of or in the middle of a pack, shoot TR once on your head, or at the pack, then run out & either shoot again if there is a yellow, or if one was slightly out of the AoE or move on to the next pack if they'll all die in the one application. The raider was fast enough to do this and very rarely get hit. The occultist attack speed is a little low for that, which slows overall clearing quite a bit.

If you can't run straight into packs, you get nailed by ranged a lot more (they shoot where you WERE if you can run into & through packs, so you auto dodge most ranged attacks) so the whole process gets slowed quite a bit. Once geared for maps, I was able to re-adopt this playstyle, as tankiness went way up, move speed improved with better boots, and attack speed is coming up as I'm opening up jewel slots.

Here's where my character ended up after getting a couple drops in T1 maps and trading to get the baseline uniques & filling in the resists with 1-3c rares (uniques were ~25c rares were either what I had on hand or 1-3c each. Boots and one of the rings were crazy good drops at the time.) :

I knew bow jewels without life would be cheap, but was surprised to see just how many jewels were available with 2 GOOD stats and 1 or 2 also useful stats there were available for 1-3c this early into the league. The rare gem I have now was 2c... 2 of the best stats for the build (Attack speed and chaos multi), STR to help hit our needed ~120, and a little mana regen that isn't strictly necessary at this point, but still useful. I think the jewel slots making use of otherwise pretty worthless items are a good portion of what really makes the build work well gearing into higher tier maps. I only planned on getting attack speed out of them, but it looks like I'll be able to get not only good attack speed, but other useful stats out of the jewel slots.

also included a 2nd tree for where I'm headed for level 91 (mostly adding jewels)
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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RE: Conc's Toxic Rain Occultist 3.6 League Start - by Concillian - 03-14-2019, 07:09 PM

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