My 3.6 Plan
Impressions of Synthesis League so far:

1.) They need to tune the low level Fragments better. Sometimes, when you enter from encountering Cavas you can get cratered immediately after interacting with the memory portal, from the sheer number of Mobs VS the level / gear that you have. But, that seems to be the way new leagues go on release.

2.) They need to address the storage capacity on memory fragments for use in the Nexus. I'm now 10 levels higher than the main quest line, and I'm really not doing extra.

All I'm runing:
Masters Quests.
Ascendency / Lab attunements.
Memory Fragments when I run into Cavas (I'm NOT going out of my way to find him)
Running The Nexus when my Fragments reach capacity. General 4-5 fragments to give me some room so that I don't have to go back.
Once I max out my Sulphite, I'll have to mix in Delving with this, so that I'm not wasting Sulphite / grossly overleveling the delve areas.

There is so much in the game, that it just seems like the main questing areas are worthless to run.

3.) Scrolls of Wisdom (at least for me) seem to be in short supply. I'm following my normal loot pattern. Loot Scrolls, Loot Orbs, Loot Chromable gear. Loot Rare Gear, Loot other things that have the potential to be upgrades to gear I'm wearing. I am continuously vendoring Transmutation Orbs so that I can ID rares / possible upgrades.

4.) Gearing up, and playing the game from scratch isn't as terrible as I thought it would be, though some of that is from the fragmented / synthesized loot, and the fact that it vendors for quite a bit.

Speaking of Fragmented loot, It would be REALLY awesome if there was a way to drop more of it, or control what drops. After Synthesizing a few pieces of loot, I've got a general idea of how it works, and while they've made the Item Level penalty "less" for this than other tools in the game, Ilvl is still pretty important. While leveling, it feels more like junk loot, than something exciting.

5.) The build / Character. Scion Molten Strike is coming along great. I used the Jugg Marauder "TANK EVERYTHING" build in the forums as a "blueprint" to build the POB for this. I used that as the basis for my 92 Marauder in Standard, so I figured this would be an easy way to build a Scion, as well. I'm 8 points away from completing the first "Leg" of the Tree.

After that, I'll be headed into the Marauder / Duelist area, where I will have to refund points later on to just come off the marauder starting area.

6.) Here is my char, MatsuTuri
Pretty pleased with the gearing so far, now that I'm out of the low level Fragments, and have had time to actually get some supports / gear, I'm not getting destroyed in the fragments.

Impressions of 3.6 in standard so far.
I started out going over, and dumping my maps, vendoring what I could, and getting the Map Stash sorted before it ended up unusable the way my first tab did post betrayal.

I ran an old T13, and got most of my atlas progress back in standard.
I then vendored anything that I had 3 maps of to upgrade them to the new series. I ended up with ~115 - 120 Maps from 3.6's pool.

The frustrating part, is that I have 120-130 maps from the 3.5 pool left that are just 1's and 2's, with about a dozen of those being Unique Maps. While I get what they are doing with the Atlas for leagues, they are going to need to get this figured out for Standard. While running my new Char through Synthesis has been an ok distraction, but I'm itching to get back on my way to killing Shaper, Uber Atziri, and other content that I've not seen yet, and have little faith that I'll finish by the end of Synthesis. I'm going to give it my best shot, but if I don't end up getting closer than what I am in Standard, this is probably my last league for a good long time. If they continue to break the atlas in Standard every 3 months, It'll probably not be long before I stop playing completely. I love the game, and I love the end game system, but getting completely reset every 3 months on the way to the end game content is not something I'm interested.
Used to play WoW on Terenas.
Played PoE for a while, Guild Leader of the Lurker guild there. Back to playing.
Lover of stringed instruments, and the beautiful music they make.

Messages In This Thread
My 3.6 Plan - by Chadvoluted - 03-08-2019, 04:04 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Chadvoluted - 03-11-2019, 05:02 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Concillian - 03-11-2019, 09:59 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Chadvoluted - 03-14-2019, 03:30 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Concillian - 03-14-2019, 05:58 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Chadvoluted - 03-14-2019, 10:01 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Chadvoluted - 03-17-2019, 04:17 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Concillian - 03-18-2019, 08:04 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Chadvoluted - 03-19-2019, 02:12 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Concillian - 03-19-2019, 08:28 PM
RE: My 3.6 Plan - by Chadvoluted - 03-22-2019, 01:40 PM

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