3.5 Crazy Build Idea: Shield Flingin' Witches
(02-07-2019, 04:44 PM)Chadvoluted Wrote: I'll admit this is getting mixed results. In Maps, Even maps with additional elemental resistance, I'm ok. In Incursions, I'm floundering.

Yeah... this is what I was thinking. I dropped a Nebuloch on elder with my Toxic Rain Raider and this started me playing an EO Wild Strike Jugg with dual Nebuloch & Shroud of the Lightless... level 85 now, and I feel the same way. The concept works pretty similar to your build without the elemental reflect resistance. Obviously more traditional and higher DPS than spectral shield throw... especially on trash, but single target is a bit slow. Maps are great (aside from ele reflect, but I vaal these and if they don't change, can run them with the sextant mod that negates reflect,) the build can farm lab over and over with relative safety (6 ubers in an hour ~hour and a half lastnight,) but incursions are so-so. I have more DPS than you and can do them, but they don't feel great. The trash is no problem, but the architects are slow. The Betrayal encounters are a little bit similar in that aspect, but not to the same extent.

The build scaling is very similar to yours, but starting in Jugg saves lots of travel and maces have more good clusters than shields and Jugg gets so much defense in the ascendancy that you can pretty much ignore it on the tree outside of endurance charges & life nodes. I picked up Loreweave and Molten strike for when I need single target & swap Hrimburn for the full conversion. With the same tree it completely melts anything. Izaro phases in the time of a flask, and I'm not in super gear outside of the chestpieces... it's slower with the hoards of trash... but not that much slower (Wild Strike is fun for hoards of trash.) It's kinda sad how good Molten Strike is with a tree not specifically optimized for it.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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RE: 3.5 Crazy Build Idea: Shield Flingin' Witches - by Concillian - 02-07-2019, 07:03 PM

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