Freedom of Speech (did I miss something?)
(08-31-2017, 09:49 PM)Taem Wrote: This is so outrageous. Do you think the officer was just being sarcastic, or is he sincerely a racist?

Perhaps there is still some good old boys mentally scum floating on the surface of the rest of society? It kind of reminds me of one of my friend who was a biker and had some good friends with Hells Angels, and according to him, they tried recruiting mostly intelligent and educated professionals to their ranks, so they'd have some actual clout if their members got into trouble. I suppose if you put the right people in the right places, even if a small part of society, you can make a huge difference to a whole section of people's lives.

However, I'm still quite cynical of that notion and still think the cop was just being a sarcastic idiot who lost his job.
I think yes, sarcastic, yes on insensitive to race issues, and I don't know if he's overtly racist. He's a tone deaf liability to the law enforcement department that employs him.

There is definitely still a "good old boys" network in the south. I've seen it from the inside, but it's purpose is not racism. Although, it's function supports entrenchment of the status quo, which perpetuates institutional racial bias. It is a complete xenophobia to anyone not in the network. It's like, "Unless you get a reference from an insider, I'm not going to help you unless it's in my own best interest." It's like even Hatfields versus McCoys type xenophobia, where the McCoys emigrated from a Yankee state 100 years ago, or you go to the wrong type of church.

But, identity group based benevolence is sort of an institution in the USA, or many... e.g. Elk, Moose, Jaycees, Shriners, Odd Fellows, Masons, Knights of Columbus, denominational, etc. They self help members with many things beyond networking, like scholarships for their kids...

I've had a book in my head for a number of years I'd like to write on "American Tribalism"... My mom, for example, was raised in a small rural Scandinavian emigrant town and was not allowed to date non- Swedish boys, or outside her parents denomination. I think it has changed since then, but still in rural areas, a modicum of xenophobia or "Y'all ain't from 'round here" test is probably firmly entrenched. When I was 9 (1970), we moved out of Minneapolis to a farm. The kids referred to me as a "City Slicker" until I got to high school (for 5 years).

In that way, Antifa is also a tribe. They attacked anyone "foreign" who they labelled "Nazi" to justify their "Othering" of them. You could be a college republican... Nazi. Or, just a UPS driver delivering a package... Nazi.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: Freedom of Speech (did I miss something?) - by kandrathe - 09-01-2017, 07:53 AM

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