Teenager repeats #Blacklivesmatter 100 times on Stanford application and is accepted
(04-07-2017, 08:09 PM)Archon_Wing Wrote: It does seem as if people are pressured into college, regardless of it working for them or not. A lot of propaganda in that sense? Both left and right.

That's because now a lot of companies require you to have a minimum of a bachelors degree. Doesn't matter if the degree is in what you're doing or not. I saw this first hand at Verizon after they changed their requirements (in 2013/14). We had a number of openings and we also had some very good candidates, but HR would not hire said candidates because they didn't have a bachelors degree. So when companies are viewing a college degree that much, it becomes mandatory that you get one or get stuck in low paying job in the US.
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RE: Teenager repeats #Blacklivesmatter 100 times on Stanford application and is accepted - by Lissa - 04-08-2017, 04:55 PM

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