(02-18-2017, 11:56 AM)Jester Wrote: It says on their stats when you mouse over them - eldritch, human, unholy, beast, etc...
I'd of thought so, but I keep checking and I can't seem to find where it says that. Most of my priest-types have skills that do extra damage to "Unholy", yet I seem to be failing to locate where this stat is on the monster hover.
RE: stun/heal, can we talk strategy for a moment?
I've found these tactics work best so far for me:
1. Characters with a "pull" mechanic; use it first to pull other casters/missile-types to the front, not only stopping front-based attackers, but also the missile types so kills 2-birds with 1-stone.
2. Definitely utilize stun on the most dangerous foes first.
3. I like having at least one-healer at all times, but it seems sometimes you just get whooped handily and having a front-line cleric/healer and one in the back who can also heal seems to work well. I found a cleric that can heal the entire party with her skill so I'm planning on keeping her alive no matter what!
4. When ALL of your best characters with these three listed abilities are incognito due to stress relief, that's when the battles become decisively lopsided (in the monsters favor), which seems to be the point I'm at. I guess since it's my first run through, I didn't realize there was a "retreat" option, and consequently lost most if not all of my characters with these three abilities, save for the one cleric, lol. So strategy wise, I've been trying to send 0-levelrs in to collect enough gold to relieve the stress from my main heroes.
5. Marking a target is essentially a death sentence for that monster, as at least half the rooster seems to have skills that double their damage to marked foes, however of all the characters in my rooster, only one has ever had the ability to mark a foe... and he died. I wonder if this skill is hard to come by for a reason?
6. Slimes.... how in the hell are you supposed to kill them? I went all the way to round 14 and there were more slimes that when I started so I just retreated. Is there some type of strategy to defeat slimes, because they seem impossible - you kill one and two more pop up; a potentially broken mechanic?
7. With my limited resources at the start, where would you recommend placing my money and building funding? I've been giving every building a 1-point upgrade at the cost of shields and family heirlooms, but I'm not sure that's the wisest use of my items at this point. And I'm always so broke removing stress that I just never purchase food anymore; only bandages and torches. I wonder if you know you're sending off your 0-levelers to a suicide mission to collect money, if it's best to just dismiss them for new adventurers instead of trying to reduce their stress and utilizing them for future missions?
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin