(02-09-2017, 04:24 PM)Ashock Wrote: I've played TW games since the original Medieval Total War, up until Rome 2. How's TW Warhammer?NOt having played the earlier, what I see is; Better models, better graphics, Creative Assembly is being authentic to the lore of Warhammer table top miniature rules, and there is a very passionate and active map making and modding community. Lots of optional add-on DLC too.
You choose your beginning faction, and the game helps you get started with some early "tutorial" like objectives before cutting you loose to get stomped by your neighbors. Difficulty level seems to only modify the strength (increases offense and defense) of the AI opponents up or down. If you are a non-chaotic race (chaos, beasts have and keep no territory) you can win by forming military alliances, rather than conquer only. In campaign play, you have two options for winning the campaign, an abbreviated or full win. So, like other similar Civ type games it is turn based. Most wins take more than 100-150 turns. My first one playing Empire, took over 300 turns. The win objectives are different for different races.
For example, the Tree-Ents objective is to grow the tree of life to level 5. But to do that you need increasing amounts of AMber, which you get by alliances, or conquering territory. Tree-ents can only build level one fortresses, so defense of territory is usually by having many smaller tree armies.