Democrats' Response To President Trump
(01-26-2017, 11:57 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: So let me get this straight. Science is useless and meaningless. We have absolutely no ontological way of understanding or conceptualizing the world we live in, or how it works - be it socially or environmentally or otherwise - for the simple fact we do not understand every little detail of the universe down to the last letter? Is this what you are trying to tell me? If so, you are just wrong, and your view of the world is hopelessly myopic. If that isn't what you are saying, then what is it?

Just like a typical progressive, you purposly misstate and take my comments out of context to suit your needs, I understand. Disinformation, after all, is one of the most powerful tools of a communist or progressive.

Just because I think that science is not even close to being able to decipher the most complicated matters in the universe we live in, does not mean that I think it is useless for the much simpler issues.

But you already knew what I meant, didn't you. It just didn't suit your purpose. I told you before, I understand how you think. I've seen more of your kind and read more literature written by your kind than any normal human being should in five lifetimes.

Next lie, please.

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RE: Democrats' Response To President Trump - by Ashock - 01-27-2017, 04:33 PM

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