Democrats' Response To President Trump
(01-23-2017, 10:24 PM)Ashock Wrote: ps. Sorry Bolty :-)

pps. I originally considered not citing a source at first and seeing how ppl here would have reacted to this, thinking that I was the writer. However, there was always a chance that the source would have been found before I fessed up, thereby giving certain individuals a reason to call plagiarism and all sorts of other niceties. Naturally, I'd have not been believed if I explained myself afterwards.

You fail to see the problem here don't you?
It is clear that democracy like we just to know and enjoy it doesn't exist anymore. Yes people in the US are allowed to vote but the rich political class is so smart that they can let people think they have a choice where actually they don't.

I am a socialist (at least) but I must say I don't have too much respect for the ''normal'' people. I am not afraid to call most people to stupid to vote (this is a general thing though, not just in the US).
Yes, going to church makes you ignorant and racisim is abundant.

Of course having concerns about imigration doesnt make you racist.....but people like you (at least if we see what you write on the lounge) are and you are not helping in finding a solution.
Yesterday I saw a documentary made by a dutch journalist about black self defence groups....teh white versions of course also exist for a long time already.

So you can (like you) rant on in a racist way blaming one of the two colours, or you can wonder how it is possible that these kind of groups at all exist in your country......and worse....most people still think the US is the greatest country in the world......I mean are you wearing a blindfold? Or do you think it is normal?

I know from your immigration background your political views are to be expected but that shows that the US fails.

I don't know what is worse about Trump....that there are so many people actually voting for him, that making your own facts is now fully mainstream (climate change doesnt exist......well our president says so so it is probably true.....scientist and people with an education in general are suspect).
What Trump did in his first days in office looks really bad......althiugh I am not sure if he will be able to damage the planet in a way GW Bush did but still.

The political wind that is blowing in the westeren world the last few years scares me. You know what it resembles the most? You know what I am scared of? That we will get Red Khmer like governments in charge. There is no respect for knowledge anymore, facts don't matter, the internet is always right.......I hope I am wrong but if I would wear glasses I would quickly get contact lenzes instead.

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RE: Democrats' Response To President Trump - by eppie - 01-25-2017, 07:48 AM

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