01-18-2017, 07:31 AM
(01-17-2017, 11:24 PM)kandrathe Wrote: This is madness! What I want to do for each issue is lock Congress in a room, a dreary room, until they form a consensus, and emerge with 100% agreement on our course (OK, make it 90%, or 80%). But, this 50/50 teeter totter positioning must end! And, we need to have meaningful reasoned dialog about it. Not ignore each other to yell over each other, or call each other names, or stomp our feet, hold our breath, and toss all the toys out of the crib.
What if the disagreements are real, reflecting real interests, values, and ideas, rather than just being a matter of childish nonsense? Do we just wait until pro-choice people give up on women's bodily autonomy, or pro-life people start thinking child murder isn't so bad after all? Do we just wait until we find some middle ground between increasing the nuclear arsenal, and eliminating it entirely?
We might be waiting a long time. Reason leads us *from* our values, but it cannot (pace Hume) lead us *to* them.