(01-19-2016, 10:31 AM)cheezz Wrote: I find the idea of any kind of trigger lock on a gun to be pointless.... While I do not want to see innocent children die, neither do I want to come home at night and find my family hurt or dead because my wife couldn't get my gun to fire.For me it's more of a balance of risks. For some context; when I was 16, a homicidal maniac broke into our "safe" rural family home when my dad was at work. He was looking to do harm to my little sister with a 16" dagger he had stolen that same evening. My mother and I confronted the would be killer. We had the option of pulling out guns to deal with him. I vividly recall asking my mother, in hurried, and hushed whispers, if we should grab the pump shotgun we had stashed in the nearby closet. Instead she opted for using our heads, calming him down, and convincing him to leave. Of course, she didn't know he had that huge dagger until I met him in the hallway. I wonder if she would have counseled differently in hindsight.
If I lived in a neighborhood where home invasion were to be more likely, I would probably move. But, if forced to live in a dangerous place, I would have the means of self defense at the ready. I think it's better to be prepared for what is likely to happen. Fortunately, the only times I find myself feeling the need for self defense are when I'm intentionally in "bad places" where I've prepared for the worst, and am mentally alert and on the lookout for trouble.
In regards to batteries; I believe we are in the infancy of battery technology, which until recently hasn't changed much since Alessandro Volta's reinvention. I charge many of my devices now through proximity EM waves. My phone is programmed to my fingerprint to unlock, which is split second, even at 6am when I'm snoozing my alarm.
If you need a gun at the ready, as I rely on my phone and other gizmo's, then ensuring it's charged would be a daily concern. I could envision marrying these technologies; proximity charging, fingerprint biometrics, and a trigger lock to create a much safer reliable tool for self defense. A tool that wouldn't be as valuable to anyone other than the owner (imprinted one). Less usable by thieves, innocents, or anyone wrestling it from your grasp.