Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish!
I'm glad the bow speed change seems so popular. I always thought it was just a subtle thing that bothered no one but me, but I guess that wasn't the case.

(08-02-2015, 04:43 AM)Thenryb Wrote: A trivial one which I liked was Lemming "fixing" that wimpy monk voice to be that of the sorceror.
That's funny! While I never got around to playing a Monk in HF:Fixed and was unaware of that, I considered making the same change, along with changing the entire graphic for the Monk back to the Sorcerer. He's missing a block animation for his staff, but I think one could be cobbled together well enough borrowing a couple frames from his staff hit recovery and staff attack animations. I may have to make that an optional mod here for anyone who would prefer the Sorcerer.

It's not that the Monk is terrible, I just think whoever worked on him wasn't given enough time to polish him up right, so he's rather outshined by the sheer awesomeness of the other three characters.

(08-03-2015, 06:35 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: Short version of it, I'm quite interested in trying out changing the Warrior's and Barbarian base attack speed with melee weapons. For Warrior, all one handed weapons (sword&club) will be set to of Speed\Haste level. Two handed weapons will not be changed. For Barbarian, all Axes and Clubs one handed and two handed, base attack speed will be changed to of Speed.
Alright, I looked at the attack speed code again and the memory locations I have. The table I was thinking of just tells Diablo how many frames of an animation to play before looping it or reverting to the default standing animation. So, making that number smaller would just make the Warrior resume standing faster, not actually make him swing faster.

Without modifying the attack speed routine to check for Wars/Barbs and certain weapons, then copying the attack speed code and modifying it just for those cases, I'm not sure there's a way to achieve this while preserving its original behavior. There might be a way to speed them up that would be close, like making them able to start a new swing faster during the animation, but it wouldn't be quite the same.

If Lenny has some memory locations that would help me write some code you can pop into your mod file to do this, I'll take a look at it, but otherwise I'd probably need to dedicate a solid block of about two and a half hours; might be awhile until I try it. But I may need to look at the attack speed again soon anyway, as someone told me that Speed on melee weapons now seems to them to behave like Swiftness which, if true, is unintentional and thus something I must of goofed up and should probably fix.

And just to make sure, did you mean:

A) Warrior & Barbarian always have Speed/Haste with these weapons, or
B) Warrior & Barbarian have the base speed of Speed/Haste weapons, and become even faster still when using them now?

From a gear dependency standpoint, A makes a lot more sense. I've grown somewhat tired of shopping gear for high level melee characters these days. The stash feature has helped with that some, as I can place items other characters don't need in there for use by other characters that reach Hell difficulty later. I'd rather not think about the number of times I've heard "Well, what can I do for ya?" over the years.

(08-03-2015, 06:35 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: Secondary interest would be sweep damage mechanic, but this one I'm not sure if it's even possible... I was thinking more of sweep damage% = clvl x2.
That kind of modification is probably easier than the attack speeds. Though your formula might need a little work. 2-24% sweep damage for the first 12 clvls is probably even less effective than it is now. I forget the current formula Marsh set up, but I think I know where he did that, so I could take a look at it in the code sometime. I feel like the current formula all but nullifies sweep attack early in the game. Perhaps I can find a nice middle ground between what Marsh did and its original craziness.

(08-03-2015, 06:35 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: AFAIK with that older post link, and last time I tested it's HF:F only. The slight speed change\quirk with the bard does not exist in vanilla HF, and JG's info still holds true for the unmodified version of HF.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up. I don't remember reading anything about Bard attack speed changes in the HF:Fixed change log. I'm curious what caused that, because my current understanding of the game's innards makes me think that would be a very intricate, complicated thing to do by accident. So either there are more variables that control attack speed I don't know about, or HF:Fixed went a bit out of its way to make Bards faster with maces.

(08-03-2015, 06:35 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: Emphasis is on fairly fast character growth, eg: enabling for multi, HF SP style level 1 char able to choose Nightmare or Hell difficulty right away.
I think removing that restriction so MP chars can switch difficulties freely may be easier than the attack speed changes. Unfortunately a quick attempt to find and break this restriction didn't turn up anything. So far I've had very little luck modifying any of Diablo's menu behaviors despite combing through them for hours. Fixing the Enter key not working in all menus, adding information to the character selection screen (such as class name since hero picture and stats don't always make that clear, and current gold carried), trying to reduce menu CPU usage, and now this haven't gone anywhere despite my best efforts. The code that runs the game menu seems very arcane. But, hopefully I'll figure it out in time.

(08-03-2015, 05:23 PM)FireIce Wrote: Ah, you were speaking in the context of HF only. For some reason I thought this was being applied to vanilla D1 as well. Well, this makes more sense now, thanks for clearing that up mate!
No problem! Vanilla D1 still has some bugs to fix as well, but I don't want to go making an unofficial v1.10 until Battle.net finally shuts down. Otherwise, I might inadvertently create division among the remaining players about which version to use.

(08-03-2015, 05:23 PM)FireIce Wrote: there is still a few of us who play co-op games regularly on Battle.net, channel Diablo Deu-1 on Europe.
I haven't played public games of Diablo in many years now, since shortly after the release of Diablo II. There were too many people cheating and/or crashing games all the time. I suspect most of those people are gone now, but I've become a bit of a recluse since then and don't play any PC games publicly any more; I only play arranged sessions with some friends on and off.

However, I'm sure there may be others who would be interested. In fact, you may want to repost that information over in this other thread where it's much more likely to be spotted by people looking for others to play with:

The D1 Meet'n'Greet

I'm afraid the information will just get buried here in what is quickly becoming a very large and verbose thread. Also, to that random person in the future who discovered this thread and just read all 9 pages of this: Why aren't you playing this great game instead? Tongue

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A5 progress update - by Belix - 02-02-2015, 09:28 AM
RE: Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish! - by Belix - 08-04-2015, 08:39 AM

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