Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish!
(07-23-2015, 08:33 PM)Thenryb Wrote: Is the Demonspike Coat even findable in this version?
I think so. I'm certain that Marsh moved Demon Plate Armor and Demonspike Coat around in the unique list at least, which was part of the changes he made to fix qlvl issues that prevented certain items from dropping normally. But without taking a closer look I can't verify that the qlvls and/or base items are different.

As for the Demonspike in HF:Fixed, since Monks already have the most freedom when it comes to armor selection, I feel it would be fair to be more inclusive of the other 5 classes if I were to make any changes to the unique armors here (and making Demonspike a Leather would muck with how Diablo generates its internal item table, and could cause people's gear to morph).

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A5 progress update - by Belix - 02-02-2015, 09:28 AM
RE: Hellfire Patch v1.02.A5: Classic HF with less bugs and more polish! - by Belix - 07-26-2015, 04:15 AM

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