US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
(06-29-2015, 04:00 PM)LemmingofGlory Wrote: I'm reminded of the majority opinion in this case and this statement: "Respondents’ argument that allowing samesex
couples to wed will harm marriage as an institution rests on a
counterintuitive view of opposite-sex couples’ decisions about marriage
and parenthood." Because I feel, rather consistently, that you have a counterintuitive view of society and culture due to a blind spot where "theory of mind" ought be. To take an issue about personal security and spin it up into the machinations of The Invisible Hand, your tired old communist diatribe, is myopic in the extreme. Or maybe you just want attention. Gross.

Actually no offense, but I'm afraid it is YOU that has the counter-intuitive and myopic view of society, my friend: You want to separate a decision made through the bourgeois legal system from the totality of bourgeois historical rule, which is just laughable. As a result, it is your analysis that is filled with the blind spots here.

My point was/is, is that this decision will NOT change the structural dynamic of homophobia under bourgeois rule - just as the Civil Rights Movement didn't (and couldn't) end racism (and as a matter of fact, it can be argued that America is even more racist now than it was back then, but that's another topic). It is completely folly and idealistic to think that homosexuals can ever have the same social legitimacy as heterosexuals under capitalist social relations, regardless of what laws are passed.

Yes, this decision is a victory, but again, it only discredits the LEGAL basis for the justification of homophobia, not the justification of or homophobia in and of itself. Heterosexuality is STILL the default position on sexual relations in bourgeois society, and will be so long as capitalism exists - regardless of what idealist, bullshit hippie liberal views of "culture" you may have. The capitalist system and its development transcends "culture". Sorry if I am not jumping up and down and screaming with joy like most liberal idiots are now who now naively think that gays and lesbians will have equal footing in society. This is why as a Marxist I find liberals to be even more, in some ways, annoying than their so-called conservative counterparts. You achieve one legal victory and think you've won. You have not. Like pretty much all liberals, you make the grave mistake of looking at things through an 'identity' politics lens, instead of trying to make sense of how and why 'identity' politics interacts with CLASS relations.

Make no mistake about it: I certainly favor this decision, it was a LONG time coming. But it is far from the achievement of our end goals(s) from the perspective of a revolutionary leftist, and it is a far cry from homosexuals achieving genuine equality.

Quote:As I said to you a few years back, your fears are largely based on a mechanical understanding of culture and not on what it's like to actually live in it

You have it backwards, I'm afraid. Once again, it is liberals such as yourself that have the mechanical understanding of history. You want to separate bourgeois law from the social relations itself, and you just can't do that. That isn't how the world works.

The heart of the matter is this: this decision is another example and point in capitalism's history where it is going through an ideological transformation. Most forms of bigotry are on the decline in being used as justifications for bourgeois rule. The capitalist class has become more secular and less traditional in its outlook, because it is NECESSARY for it to do so. The NEWER and more legitimate theory for justifying oppression and exploitation under capitalism is a concept called MERITOCRACY.

In order for this theory to make even the slightest bit of sense, capitalism must seek to integrate "out groups" into the dominant system by co-opting liberation movements and opening up high-level positions for educated and upwardly-mobile members of these "out groups." By officially opposing discrimination and integrating affluent members of "out groups," capitalism creates a mirage of meritocracy that becomes the new defining justification for exploitation now that older ideas such as white or Christian supremacy have lost their power. That is essentially what this decision is, just as women's suffrage and the first feminist movement was, just as the Civil Rights movement was.

As capital develops more globally, the dominant ruling class ideologies become more cosmopolitan, socially liberal and inclusive. While being less likely to be religious, racist, and nationalist. Because they MUST, in order to justify their class rule. But this has nothing to do with capitalism becoming a nicer, more benevolent system - far from it - it is still as oppressive, exploitative, and irrational as ever. This process will become more apparent as older, more conservative generations die off and the capitalist class is replaced by younger and more libertarian rightist types. However, just because the ruling class is ideologically changing doesn't mean these things are going away. There is a difference between appearance and functionality.

I just find bourgeois leftists who are now shouting "equality achieved!!!" that are overly delighted by this decision almost as annoying, as the religious right-wing idiots who are on suicide watch as a result of it. The meritocracy narrative will continue - just like when Obama got elected we heard clueless black celebrities like Will Smith and Oprah say that racism has essentially ended.

Lastly, regarding Transgenders, the discrimination they face goes beyond sexual orientation, which this law does not (and cannot) address.

Quote:but that's kinda expected because of the neckbeard I imagine you have, perhaps in homage to your philosophical forebears.

Cute. (presumptuous) stereotypes against people with large beards as people who presumably sit at a computer all day and never go outside, to summarize your rosy facebook liberal nonsense. Just like if all poor people work harder, they will better their unfortunate circumstances, right?

Actually, I shave pretty regularly (weekly). Especially during times of the year when it is reaching triple digits outside like now. So your little discriminatory stereotype ad-hominem (that doesn't even apply to me anyways) only serves to make you look like a dumbass. I would expect nothing less from a clueless utopian liberal, though.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)

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RE: US Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage - by FireIceTalon - 06-29-2015, 05:09 PM

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