06-28-2014, 08:17 PM
A bit chronologically out of order, but I want to get this out of the way first, so we can get to the juicy interesting stuff, maybe with less of a Martian Methodist Messiah distraction. As hilarious as that is.
'We' (as in citizens, joe jane q public) do get asked to pick up the tab, in one way or another, in a sly nudge nudge wink wink kind of way. The hyperloop Cancon edition article you linked, mentions that the CEO is trying to attract govt investors as well. Then again if I was the CEO I'd do the same thing.
Anyhow, what happens when an agreement\contract is not even worth the paper it's written on, even in advance, ROFLcopter, that's even assuming there was one.
My bet is we still haven't even scraped the barrel just yet.
Hope of hopes, the whiz kids who dreamed up this outsourcing everything to the max, will be outsourced themselves in the next election cycle.
Now in the general concept however, I'm quite on the same page with you that ideally, gov't and business can have a win\win relationship.
However if it isn't working out, we might consider the option of not playing, at least this particular round. (I don't mean skipping out on taxes. Had to write that for the literally minded among us.)
While it can be satisfying to yell 'gov't is -them-'. 'Evil MegaCorps is -them-'. The tab will still be on -you-. And me. And possibly Dupree. But eff Dupree, he always stiffs his share of the tip.
I do think there might still be a window to address climate change, as our 'Moonshot' project. But it's a window that might be, rapidly closing.
If or when that window closes, well there's always war like you rightly pointed out. Wars can also bring about massive technological advancement. But at horrid costs. Unless, it's outsourced. Then go get em boys!
Re: Tesla Motors.
Yep. We definitely agree on that.
Even if Tesla goes kaput this very second, it would still earn it's place in history for breaking the 'glorified golf cart' mold.
I'd rather not see Tesla keel over, despite some of my critique. I don't want to see Tesla Motor, added to the names of Tucker, Delorean, and Bricklin. The auto industry, is becoming too much of a concentrated monopoly, and badly needs a shot (of competition, stat!) to it's heart, or it's too late.
While the analogy and concept is not bad, I think it starts breaking down when we start talking about just how will the "bing, bang, swap batteries and be off" actually work.
Right now diesel, and gasoline liquid fuels doesn't need a standard size tank, only standardized nozzles and port. Propane tanks are at least standardized somewhat.
As Lochnar and Kevin have correctly pointed out, batteries tech and recharging infrastructure is a big challenge at the moment.
Current battery tech and setup of E-Cars, seems closer to cellphone batteries. While some are semi standardized within it's own brand\models, most are not always interchangeable between different brands. Even within a brand, some models can differ.
Either a revolutionary new energy storage is needed (what's the word on hyper-capacitors and fuel cells, seems kinda worryingly quiet at the moment), a hybridization of engine \motor types and fuels. A new electrical infrastructure standard that all manufacturers agree to, and or all of the above.
Because otherwise this thing will have a real tough time getting started. Most people will find it too much of a hassle if they need to find a specific battery quick swap station that caters only to a specific brand. With current refuelling stations, all you have to worry about is gasoline, or diesel, and possibly propane.
It's one thing to have a Ferrari type business model, where an oil change and a brake job can only be done at the Ferrari factory\dealership etc. That's fine for the crowd who can afford Ferrari. But my bet is, that's not where the next big major change is going to be.
E-Car as a high performance luxury sports car, was one hurdle cleared. There's still others. E-Trucks. E-jeeps. Affordable E-compacts. E-Vespa. E-crotch rockets bikes. I want em all. I want em soon. And I want my promised jet packs dammit!111
(06-27-2014, 04:29 PM)kandrathe Wrote: But, we're not asking. The reality is we do have a free enterprise system, and we do have semi-democratically elected government and you DO need to go to dinner with them. What then? I'd say we get it all in writing in advance. But, yes, we really DO need to get busy and start doing the dinners.
'We' (as in citizens, joe jane q public) do get asked to pick up the tab, in one way or another, in a sly nudge nudge wink wink kind of way. The hyperloop Cancon edition article you linked, mentions that the CEO is trying to attract govt investors as well. Then again if I was the CEO I'd do the same thing.
Anyhow, what happens when an agreement\contract is not even worth the paper it's written on, even in advance, ROFLcopter, that's even assuming there was one.
My bet is we still haven't even scraped the barrel just yet.
Hope of hopes, the whiz kids who dreamed up this outsourcing everything to the max, will be outsourced themselves in the next election cycle.
Now in the general concept however, I'm quite on the same page with you that ideally, gov't and business can have a win\win relationship.
However if it isn't working out, we might consider the option of not playing, at least this particular round. (I don't mean skipping out on taxes. Had to write that for the literally minded among us.)
While it can be satisfying to yell 'gov't is -them-'. 'Evil MegaCorps is -them-'. The tab will still be on -you-. And me. And possibly Dupree. But eff Dupree, he always stiffs his share of the tip.
Quote:So, what do I mean? Well, like NASA. I don't know if going to the moon was worth it really, but it is a good example of how leadership can rally the nation to do something productive (as opposed to the other thing, like wars).
I do think there might still be a window to address climate change, as our 'Moonshot' project. But it's a window that might be, rapidly closing.
If or when that window closes, well there's always war like you rightly pointed out. Wars can also bring about massive technological advancement. But at horrid costs. Unless, it's outsourced. Then go get em boys!
Re: Tesla Motors.
Quote:Sexy sells.
Yep. We definitely agree on that.
Even if Tesla goes kaput this very second, it would still earn it's place in history for breaking the 'glorified golf cart' mold.
I'd rather not see Tesla keel over, despite some of my critique. I don't want to see Tesla Motor, added to the names of Tucker, Delorean, and Bricklin. The auto industry, is becoming too much of a concentrated monopoly, and badly needs a shot (of competition, stat!) to it's heart, or it's too late.
Quote:I like the idea of it working like propane tanks -- so long as you only "rent" them and the loaner("fuel" station) takes responsibility for the value. That way, they can be charging many at once in the back room. The car can drive in, bing, bang, and swap batteries and be off.
While the analogy and concept is not bad, I think it starts breaking down when we start talking about just how will the "bing, bang, swap batteries and be off" actually work.
Right now diesel, and gasoline liquid fuels doesn't need a standard size tank, only standardized nozzles and port. Propane tanks are at least standardized somewhat.
As Lochnar and Kevin have correctly pointed out, batteries tech and recharging infrastructure is a big challenge at the moment.
Current battery tech and setup of E-Cars, seems closer to cellphone batteries. While some are semi standardized within it's own brand\models, most are not always interchangeable between different brands. Even within a brand, some models can differ.
Either a revolutionary new energy storage is needed (what's the word on hyper-capacitors and fuel cells, seems kinda worryingly quiet at the moment), a hybridization of engine \motor types and fuels. A new electrical infrastructure standard that all manufacturers agree to, and or all of the above.
Because otherwise this thing will have a real tough time getting started. Most people will find it too much of a hassle if they need to find a specific battery quick swap station that caters only to a specific brand. With current refuelling stations, all you have to worry about is gasoline, or diesel, and possibly propane.
It's one thing to have a Ferrari type business model, where an oil change and a brake job can only be done at the Ferrari factory\dealership etc. That's fine for the crowd who can afford Ferrari. But my bet is, that's not where the next big major change is going to be.
E-Car as a high performance luxury sports car, was one hurdle cleared. There's still others. E-Trucks. E-jeeps. Affordable E-compacts. E-Vespa. E-crotch rockets bikes. I want em all. I want em soon. And I want my promised jet packs dammit!111