Mostly witch doctor stuff
Finally completed my Tal's set last night! The free meteors are amazing and it is both a massive upgrade in sheet dps as well as edps. Elendra is pretty much complete now, though I will keep playing her to enjoy my BIS gear and farm for my other wizards.

Latest transmog and stats:

[Image: Screenshot107.jpg]

@ Aahz,

I'm completely with you on Aughilds and Asheara's. The mit and dmg reduction bonus from these sets makes life much easier when you start getting into higher torments (T4+), and on lower torments, well, you are nearly invincible if the rest of your gear is up to par. Aughilds is one of the best sets in the game period, crafted or otherwise. The dmg reduction from melee and ranged, elites, and the dmg bonus TO elites make this pretty much a no brainer for almost any class. I mean, you could run a build without on higher torments and be fine, but why would anyone not want to? Asheara's is great too, when I found my Ice Climbers I crafted some gloves from the plan so I could keep the bonus, as I was using the set boots previously even if the gloves were a very slight dps downgrade from the rares I was using. I've seen people make the argument that by using Climbers you are potentially losing another set bonus since sometimes the rest of your slots cannot be changed, but immunity to frozen and jailer is WAY too good to give up.

Generally, I've found with RoRG that while its possible to get 4 full set bonuses into your build, it just isn't worth it if you have the Climbers, and can still get 3 different set bonuses which is still quite nice. In my case, I have the full set bonus from Tal's and Aughilds, and 3 out of the 4 from Asheara's. It would be cool to be able to get the follower bonus but there is just no way at this point that I can fit it into my build. Not a big deal though. I'm pretty happy with my main wiz at this point, though I may try and get a Tal's source sometime down the line to swap out the belt for more dps oriented belt like Harrington Waist Guard (I already found like 3 of em'). Might be worth the all around dps upgrade and double dmg effect upon opening a chest, though I would certainly lose a bit of the elemental damage from Triumvirate.

One issue I am having with the full Tal's/EE build is trying to incorporate cold damage to fully utilize Elemental Exposure while still keeping a skill for AP regen. I switched out Electrocute for MM/Glacial Spike to get the cold dmg in there, but admittedly with only 4 APoC I do experience more downtime or slower recovery of my resource after channeling disintegrate. If I go go back to electrocute/surge of power however, the only way I can incorporate cold dmg into the build is to give up Event Horizon, and I am pretty reluctant to do this because it has such incredible utility. The only time I ever drop this skill is if I am soloing a RG or act boss, but otherwise it is always on my skill bar.

"Your very ideas are but the outgrowth of conditions of your bourgeois production and bourgeois property, just as your jurisprudence is but the will of your class, made into law for all, a will whose essential character and direction are determined by the economic conditions of the existence of your class." - Marx (on capitalist laws and institutions)

Messages In This Thread
Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 12-31-2012, 08:58 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 01-01-2013, 05:54 AM
I misled - by Aahzmadius - 01-01-2013, 02:37 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by MonTy - 01-06-2013, 04:56 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 01-07-2013, 06:03 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by MonTy - 01-10-2013, 06:55 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 01-07-2013, 08:51 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 02-06-2013, 07:04 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 02-13-2013, 03:57 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Athenau - 02-14-2013, 06:58 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 02-15-2013, 06:53 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 02-20-2013, 07:12 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 03-08-2013, 05:34 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by MonTy - 03-09-2013, 02:35 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-02-2013, 08:23 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Athenau - 05-03-2013, 11:37 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-30-2013, 12:25 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-06-2013, 12:13 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-08-2013, 07:44 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Athenau - 05-08-2013, 11:06 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-09-2013, 02:38 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Athenau - 05-09-2013, 10:30 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-17-2013, 12:28 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 06-11-2013, 12:33 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 06-11-2013, 06:21 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 06-12-2013, 12:26 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 06-12-2013, 06:08 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 06-12-2013, 06:43 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 06-13-2013, 02:32 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 06-13-2013, 05:14 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 06-13-2013, 07:12 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 07-29-2013, 08:58 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 07-30-2013, 08:27 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 07-30-2013, 02:17 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 07-31-2013, 03:54 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 08-21-2013, 07:06 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 08-21-2013, 08:37 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Frag - 08-22-2013, 03:26 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 01-21-2014, 06:59 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 02-07-2014, 02:14 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 02-27-2014, 04:37 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by NiteFox - 02-27-2014, 05:01 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 02-27-2014, 05:50 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by NiteFox - 02-27-2014, 10:16 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Frag - 02-27-2014, 10:00 PM
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RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Occhidiangela - 03-03-2014, 02:11 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 03-03-2014, 02:25 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 03-10-2014, 04:11 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 04-14-2014, 08:20 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Athenau - 04-18-2014, 03:12 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Frag - 04-21-2014, 06:24 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 04-21-2014, 02:39 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 04-21-2014, 10:32 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Frag - 04-22-2014, 03:50 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 04-22-2014, 07:05 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 04-22-2014, 04:22 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 04-22-2014, 06:17 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Frag - 04-22-2014, 09:02 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 04-23-2014, 12:12 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 04-23-2014, 01:54 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 04-26-2014, 07:15 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 04-28-2014, 01:53 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-01-2014, 08:46 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-01-2014, 01:09 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-07-2014, 11:32 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-09-2014, 06:20 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 05-13-2014, 01:27 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-15-2014, 04:58 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-16-2014, 12:53 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-16-2014, 02:30 AM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-18-2014, 04:22 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-26-2014, 07:02 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by FireIceTalon - 05-30-2014, 10:04 PM
RE: Mostly witch doctor stuff - by Aahzmadius - 06-09-2014, 06:25 PM

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