Goodbye internet, whatever did we do without you?
Ok, what every is misreading here is this new rule doesn't affect what can and cannot go over an ISP's lines, what this new rule is that companies can pay for preferential bandwidth access. Thus, if NetFlix pays ComCast extra money to be one of the high priority service over ComCast's network, then they get a large chunk of bandwidth assigned to them, but ComCast does not limit access to other companies that don't pay that additional fee. The whole original basis of netneutrality was that without it, ISPs could outright block various companies. This ruling still makes blocking illegal, what it opens up is companies getting preferential access to bandwidth.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.

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RE: Goodbye internet, whatever did we do without you? - by Lissa - 04-29-2014, 12:27 AM

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