12-19-2013, 03:28 AM
(12-18-2013, 08:30 AM)Hammerskjold Wrote: I'll certainly defend DeeBye's differing informed opinion on Gravity. Though I don't quite share the disappointment in Cuaron . I did went in with very little hype before hand however.
I will say though if anyone is expecting 'Children of Men' ending, where it can be argued that it ended on a very bleak note. Or a happy one, since it was done fairly ambiguous way.
Gravity IMO is a pretty positive, almost upbeat movie. I'd say it was almost like a 'Humanity, F*&% YEEAAH!' at parts.
Cuaron copped out on a lot of things with Gravity in favour of atmosphere and effects. I might accept that if the sense of catastrophe in space hadn't already been done equally as well (if not better) with things like 2001, Apollo 13, or Sunshine. Instead, Gravity seemed to rely solely on "realistic space special effects!" and sacrificed everything else that made the aforementioned movies great. I wanted more character development. I wanted more story. In the first 10 minutes it was apparent that Gravity was only about Bullock's character surviving against all odds. The rest of the film was incredibly linear, with one or two very shallow plot twists.
Gravity wasn't a bad movie, but it could have been a lot better.