But, let's get back to helping you out.
As far as farming.
(I finished his sentence for him)
This is the truth. And even I've succumbed to the farming of merveil. Mainly, because it's quick. From Portal to dead, I can hit 5 minutes, unless I get a crazy cavern that is really big, or an exile, or something like that. I only kill what's in my way, and I'm normally able to stay pretty nuetral on my portal scroll usage. I'm actually looking to put together an IIR set for my Scion, without killing too much of the clearing speed.
And, it's not like Merveil has been terribly "unprofitable". I've sold a couple of drops, and I've picked up several uniques now. Nothing "super rare", but unique nonetheless.
Personally though, I HIGHLY recommend the library/archives. zone in via WP, clear library, enter archives, clear archives, go back to door, ctrl click to open new libary, clear, hit the Wp, Empty bag, go back. I full clear these areas, since there is no dedicated loot pinata in there. The bosses loot is marginal, but your normal mobs will drop 67, magics 68, rares / bosses 69. To me? it's better than mapping, as I don't have to roll up a map to do so.
As far as possibly, maybe, improving your character, There are a couple of points I'd like to work with you on.
1.) You said that you are mainly Ice Spear. After having several chars use Ice Spear in multiple ways, I will tell you that I find Ice Spear to be inferior to Freezing Pulse, unless Im' able to land a fair share of my Ice Spears at the "stage 2" crit / explosion. Are you just trying to stick with spear because it's the closest frostbolt type spell?
I ask, because I really feel like, with some work/crafting, you could get your gear to a more "focused" Defensive point, which would increase your survivability, and make some of the more challenging areas, easier, and if I know what / why /when you are casting what you are, I can offer better advice
2.) Without seeing your spec, I have a couple of questions.
a.) What type of defensive passives have you invested in? Armor? Evasion? ES? Just Life?
b.) Have you invested in passive resists?
c.) Power Charges?
d.) Did you make the trek over to pick up the resists while wearing a shield passives?
3.) Would you be interested in grouping up for some maps? I have a level 66 Marauder, a 66 ranger, both in standard, both "map ready". The marauder is by far the better of the two, as the ranger's gear / spec just seem to leave me feeling frustrated with the dps. (go me for choosing a tanky ranged spec)
I'd gladly map with you. I have a half dozen 66 maps, a dozen 67 maps, and then a few 68, and one 69, as well as a Unique Cowards Trial Map, that I've been holding onto, mainly because I don't feel like I have someone capable of soloing it yet. (The rauder might be able to, but that's iffy) But yeah, I'd gladly map with you sometime if you wanted.
I have to hand it to you. Playing Self Found is hard. If you go back to that thread, and compare the gear of my FP Witch, to my ST Scion, or my Marauder, you'll see that the scion and the marauder are decked out WAY nicer than the Witch. That's because, the rauder, and scion are not self found. I've actually traded for a few pieces that they are sporting. I guess the witch isn't either, since I'm using the wand you found for me, but even then, that's once piece of gear, as compared to the scion, which is sporting a couple of very nice, purchased pieces.
As far as farming.
Quote: It really comes down to RNG since some people swear by Merveil kills (like me), while others despise it. (Like Shoju)
(I finished his sentence for him)
This is the truth. And even I've succumbed to the farming of merveil. Mainly, because it's quick. From Portal to dead, I can hit 5 minutes, unless I get a crazy cavern that is really big, or an exile, or something like that. I only kill what's in my way, and I'm normally able to stay pretty nuetral on my portal scroll usage. I'm actually looking to put together an IIR set for my Scion, without killing too much of the clearing speed.
And, it's not like Merveil has been terribly "unprofitable". I've sold a couple of drops, and I've picked up several uniques now. Nothing "super rare", but unique nonetheless.
Personally though, I HIGHLY recommend the library/archives. zone in via WP, clear library, enter archives, clear archives, go back to door, ctrl click to open new libary, clear, hit the Wp, Empty bag, go back. I full clear these areas, since there is no dedicated loot pinata in there. The bosses loot is marginal, but your normal mobs will drop 67, magics 68, rares / bosses 69. To me? it's better than mapping, as I don't have to roll up a map to do so.
As far as possibly, maybe, improving your character, There are a couple of points I'd like to work with you on.
1.) You said that you are mainly Ice Spear. After having several chars use Ice Spear in multiple ways, I will tell you that I find Ice Spear to be inferior to Freezing Pulse, unless Im' able to land a fair share of my Ice Spears at the "stage 2" crit / explosion. Are you just trying to stick with spear because it's the closest frostbolt type spell?
I ask, because I really feel like, with some work/crafting, you could get your gear to a more "focused" Defensive point, which would increase your survivability, and make some of the more challenging areas, easier, and if I know what / why /when you are casting what you are, I can offer better advice

2.) Without seeing your spec, I have a couple of questions.
a.) What type of defensive passives have you invested in? Armor? Evasion? ES? Just Life?
b.) Have you invested in passive resists?
c.) Power Charges?
d.) Did you make the trek over to pick up the resists while wearing a shield passives?
3.) Would you be interested in grouping up for some maps? I have a level 66 Marauder, a 66 ranger, both in standard, both "map ready". The marauder is by far the better of the two, as the ranger's gear / spec just seem to leave me feeling frustrated with the dps. (go me for choosing a tanky ranged spec)
I'd gladly map with you. I have a half dozen 66 maps, a dozen 67 maps, and then a few 68, and one 69, as well as a Unique Cowards Trial Map, that I've been holding onto, mainly because I don't feel like I have someone capable of soloing it yet. (The rauder might be able to, but that's iffy) But yeah, I'd gladly map with you sometime if you wanted.
I have to hand it to you. Playing Self Found is hard. If you go back to that thread, and compare the gear of my FP Witch, to my ST Scion, or my Marauder, you'll see that the scion and the marauder are decked out WAY nicer than the Witch. That's because, the rauder, and scion are not self found. I've actually traded for a few pieces that they are sporting. I guess the witch isn't either, since I'm using the wand you found for me, but even then, that's once piece of gear, as compared to the scion, which is sporting a couple of very nice, purchased pieces.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright