10-18-2013, 10:56 PM
I finally got a chance to see it today.
It is possible in theory, but the orbits of where the actual vechicles and sattelites mentioned are no where near each other and cascading issues from one orbital plane to another while also possible would take years in most cases. However this movie is an alternate universe where the MMU actually worked and was used (what Clooney was flying around in) for more than just a few test walks so maybe they put things in non opitmal orbits as well. Mostly my issue is the comms and GPS going down as those are so much higher up than the stations would be. As is Hubble but I'm fine if they brought it to a lower orbit for servicing, unlike how it was done in reality. It's all possible, so easy for me to suspend belief.
Oddly I was most bother by the fact that no ones hair was free floating, but that is a filming issue and replicating how that really works would be very very hard. But since so much else was so well done it stood out to me a bit.
I noticed quite a few flaws but they didn't matter. It was a good movie and I had no issues with the artistic license used with most of what was not correct.
(10-14-2013, 08:32 PM)Hammerskjold Wrote: The event that triggers the story and action in the film, is not impossible from what I know. (Though I don't, and never claimed I'm a space cowboy.) But it would probably be a perfect storm situation if that were to happen in real life.I'm not an astonaut, but I've spoken in person to several, and it's a subject I have a passion for, so I'm more than just a passing knowledge.
Most reviews I read involving real life NASA\rocket surgeons, most of them seem to possess the ability to enjoy the film and overlook some inaccuracies of a film, that never once claimed it was a 100% science doc.
It is possible in theory, but the orbits of where the actual vechicles and sattelites mentioned are no where near each other and cascading issues from one orbital plane to another while also possible would take years in most cases. However this movie is an alternate universe where the MMU actually worked and was used (what Clooney was flying around in) for more than just a few test walks so maybe they put things in non opitmal orbits as well. Mostly my issue is the comms and GPS going down as those are so much higher up than the stations would be. As is Hubble but I'm fine if they brought it to a lower orbit for servicing, unlike how it was done in reality. It's all possible, so easy for me to suspend belief.
Oddly I was most bother by the fact that no ones hair was free floating, but that is a filming issue and replicating how that really works would be very very hard. But since so much else was so well done it stood out to me a bit.
Quote:There hasn't been a 3D movie that convinced me that 3D in theatres or TV is worth the extra bucks. As a tech\industrial\art demo, sure. But as a narrative with the technical whizbang? None. Until 'Gravity' did, for me at least. I think perhaps one secret was making sure it still has elements that made it work on traditional 2D screens. Like a good story.Yeah 3D did add some to Star Trek Into Darkness but it wasn't needed. This movie was clearly enhanced by 3D (as well as positional audio). There are other movies where I think 3D versions will add some to it, the Marvel universe movies for example. But not seeing Gravity in 3D on a big screen is doing yourself a disservice.![]()
Quote:I'm not a fan of Clooney's one character schtick, and I don't really have any strong feelings with Bullock's work. Speed and Demolition man was fun, but I don't really go out of my way to watch much of their works.I liked Clooney in the Ocean's movies, but generally I agree. He was fine in this, in part because he played the role a it like Massimino really is. The two Bullock movies you mentioned are probably her worst. What she did in Gravity might have been some of her best but that is closer to her normal. Of course she did do several months of astronaut training too.
None of that entered my mind when I was watching this film. Clooney was at least tolerable, and Bullock floored me.
Quote: If I wanted to jot down every single technical mistake I could find with a non-doc movie, I probably wouldn't enjoy my film viewing experience. (Unless I'm doing a MST3000 theme night with friends.) Then again Marlon Brando's Jor' El wearing a Rolex didn't make me hate Superman the Motion Picture.
I noticed quite a few flaws but they didn't matter. It was a good movie and I had no issues with the artistic license used with most of what was not correct.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.