Hey everyone.

I was just going to put an Ad out here. I want to form a new Guild, but I wanted to know if anyone else would be interested in helping me, and/or joining. Some things to think about before you reply:

The Guild would be comprised of all same Class Types.
The Guild will be made either for 1.10 ladder characters, or 1.10 normal characters.
All Members would have to make new characters. Rushes and the like would be avalable if wanted.

Members would have to help on another find items, complete quests, or aid in any kind of indevor.

Other then that, everything has yet to be decided. I guess anyone interested would help me decide what. So this is just an ad, anyone interested?

Messages In This Thread
Add - by Hellforge - 07-24-2003, 09:38 PM
Add - by DSTheHermit - 07-24-2003, 10:27 PM
Add - by Erthshade - 07-25-2003, 12:49 AM
Add - by Brista - 07-25-2003, 03:43 AM

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