Melee-ing after the changes to damage and health.
I went into the Church, and did some work in there. Unfortunately, I'm going to need to find some better gear. My resists are making farming up levels... Slow. If I go full out, packs of Casters will eat me alive. If I go slow... well... then it's just a crawl really.

And the biggest problem, is that I'm running with REALLY low resists. As in... 10-20% each on the elementals, and -20% on Chaos (not a big deal while farming).

So, I've been cruising around looking for better gear. The big problem I'm finding is that people want just... ridiculous prices for gear. I found an Astral Plate. 1 Socket. Life, 2 Resists, and a very "meh" armor roll (sub 50%, as the piece didn't even have 1k armor), and they wanted an exalt for it. I found a piece with 2 resists, life, and a better roll, and they still wanted 20 chaos for it.

I just don't have that kind of currency, and the pieces that I have that should be worth... "Something" just don't seem to garner any interest. a 5L Staff, a 5L Axe, a 5L ES/EVA chest, a Killer ES ring (ES, Dex, Int, 70+ Life, IIR, IIQ), a Tri Ele 1h'd Mace with IAS, just... sit. I advertise them, and nothing pops. No one is interested.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Melee-ing after the changes to damage and health. - by shoju - 10-02-2013, 03:33 PM

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