Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr
Chicken fart booger hell damn ass crap!!! :D

Great stuff Occhi! Particularly -

Quote:Use the "walk" choice rather than the "run" choice when near monsters. This way, if you want to disengage, your DR will have its effect, for whatever it is worth, as you back out while moving like a chicken on crack while Frenzied.
- this is underrated, and the +speed with Frenzy totally makes it viable. I've been waiting to see this written down somewhere.

Quote: Taunt stacks on top of Battle Cry, which makes the damage reduction additive. (Caveat: patch 1.10 Beta)
- I was SO happy to this is back... hope it's here to stay.

Quote:This sickness of the spirit is seen most frequently in The Clan of the Bear and the Clan of the Axe, though the charges by the Clan of the Snake that it is a result of inbreeding are not founded on anything other than interclan rivalry.
- YES. We WILL turn this game into an RPG if its the last thing we do, man. ;)

couple this and thats:

Quote:either by Frenzy, Bask, or Berserk
- heheh... 'bask' huh? Do you need + to light radius in order to 'bask' your enemy? muhahahh. ;)

- consider the possiblity of dropping BO altogether? Of course, party members with life boosting (BO or OaK Sage) become a neccesity, but those 10 points can end up in damgage boosting slots instead... or even Battle Cry. Valid point about the stun lock though, so this is a tough one...

- "Black" runeword does rock, especially with Frenz. You turned me on to this a while ago...

- good stuff on the 85 skill point budget... that's the new deal.

I'll drop some more comments as they come to me... lemme know if you want to go all out and have it illustrated - I warn you though, I'm disgustingly lazy when it comes to commisions... ;)

Brista -
Quote:This can be annoying if you wanted to pull them out of a pack, especially since once they've been taunted and have given up on the idea of walking towards you they're then effectively immune to the AI altering aspect of being Taunted - you'll never get them to move. (Unless you change acts, I hadn't been aware of that)
- is this that "hypnotize" thing? I noticed when using my War Cry Barb that Taunt + War Cry would often cause the monsters to stand in place and keep swinging in the same direction, unable to move or turn around or anything... always thought it was a neat bug.
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
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Messages In This Thread
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by Swarmalicious - 07-24-2003, 07:55 PM
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by jms - 08-05-2003, 08:20 PM
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by Guest - 12-10-2003, 06:36 PM

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