09-29-2013, 03:34 PM
I have never seen anything so half-baked as this thread. None of you can see the loaf for all the crumbs when your myopic worldview is mired by the cobwebs of the complex proteins that cause the structure of our society to be so resilient and elastic even as it becomes stale and molds before our very eyes. As asymptotic valedictorian at the Literal University of the Missing Idiom, you are welcome to come defeat me in single combat (as part of our peer-review process) to challenge my ideas, but until then you must accept that the primary antagonist in this debate and any other is the ubiquitous protein known as gluten. As long as we have gluten, the free glutamic acids will continue to act as a neurotoxin and poison us to be thankful to our capitalist overlords. Gluten is no different from Toxoplasma gondii, and Capitalist producers are the cats that track their deadly prion into all of our foods.