(08-15-2013, 01:19 AM)kandrathe Wrote: How about revisiting letting players choose their own attribute distributions.
I'm a big fan of that suggestion. I feel like placing stats on items have made them too class restricted. Although I'm afraid there won't be any sweeping item changes, due to the RMAH.
(08-15-2013, 01:37 PM)Aahzmadius Wrote: Install a "farming mode" that becomes available once you defeat Diablo on Inferno. No cinematics or dialogue; all acts and waypoints available.
That farming mode suggestion is brilliant. It's one of my biggest gripes with the game. The story wasn't great in the first place, but to be forced through it a thousand times is torture.
I'm tempted to start playing Hardcore again, but will probably go with a casual build and as little AH use as possible. If anyone has similar goals I'd be interested in making a new character and leveling with ya.
BTW Aahz, I greatly enjoy your podcasts on IncGamers. Even though I don't play much any longer it's something I always tune into.