07-04-2013, 09:24 PM
(07-04-2013, 08:49 PM)Mavfin Wrote: Actually, I grew up about 30 miles from a rather quiet rural town in Missouri, where there were always some buggies around, and sometimes you might see buggies racing down the main drag on a weekend evening if it was quiet.
The Fast and the Furious, Amish Edition. That just sounds totally...awesome! I imagine it to be similar to Ben Hur but with more beards and bonnets
Quote:Also, the Amish girls would slip away, get 'normal' clothes, clean up, and go out and party with the 'normal' people a town away, then change back and get home before it was too late. Also, the girls in the period where they have to decide whether to stay with the community or leave (Rumspringa) were usually very....friendly.
Yeah I remember a great episode of 'Growing Pains' where Kirk Cameron dated an Amish girl during Rumspringa. All she wanted to do was the exotic things that are normal to him (mall, movies), and he wanted to do all the exotic things that was normal to her(hay ride, wearing amish clothes).
Actually it wasn't a great episode, or a great show now that I think about it. I was just stuck in the house at the time and figured, eh...why not.
Now where was I going with this? Oh yes. I find it interesting how some of these communities have some sort of ritual\time for someone who was born into the community, where you decide if you wanted to stay or go elsewhere.
Which IMO is actually not a bad idea. In practice I wonder how well can one choose when everyone you know so far have been saying the 'outside' is bad etc. Then again like you mention, there will always be people who wants to put a theory to a test. At least in the case of wild Amish party girls, I say gods bless them all!
But on a more serious note, that's the thing I always wondered with these Libertarian Island\Nation\Planet. Ditto with Commietopia, though there are examples of nation states that went with that, and not counting the clueless comrade defender, how well did that go. (INB4 'that's not -Real- commie-ism.)
What do you do with people who are born into them, but then decided they don't want to be in it? It's one thing to say the people who left for Libertaria Prime in the Horsehead nebula went willingly. But what about the generation who are born into it? (That's assuming things go well enough to sire a generation after the first pioneer) If they decide they don't want to live in Libertaria or Commietopia, can they leave? Or will it become something like a North Korea situation?