Planning a new Anarchy Character, Build tips.
I'm pleased with my choice to go templar, and so far, Freezing Pulse is just a breeze to level. I know it will get harder, it always does, and is expected. But I'm definitely feeling good about the templar style. The only thing that I need to do at this point, is plan out how to get a fair amount of Dex. The new amulets will help for sure.

I'm not sure how many auras I'll end up running, but I'd like to end up running ES / Vitality / Mana Regen. We'll see though. I'd like to add in armor to that as well.

I think part of my comfort level with the build right now, is the copious amounts of passive resist I end up with. 46% to all, and 61% Cold Resist. That, coupled with an Icetomb that I was able to pick up today pretty cheap, I should be set on Cold Resist for a good while. (I do need to pick up some orbs to see if I can get at least 4L on it (it's ilvl 62, so I could end up 6, but I'm not in a position to even try that, and I'm not sure if I'm giving up the ranger for good, or if this is just going to be a distraction.

I'm at least going to get through Normal, and see how it works out. At that point, I'll have all the nodes in the templar area, and be on the way to the witch area, which should give me an idea of how it's going to play.
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RE: Planning a new Anarchy Character, Build tips. - by shoju - 06-23-2013, 03:52 AM

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