Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr
This is all tentative, and contingent upon what really happens in 1.10. However, it looks like some fun can be had with Taunt and Frenzy in the future, if you wish to eschew WW.

Please comment on, and feel free to point out loopholes and errors in, this outline. :)

Note: This "guide" is PvM. It relies on an AI influencing skill that will not have much effect on other players. Due to this fundamental weakness, it is not well suited to PvP, as of this writing.

This "guide" (which is in very rough form) could not have been written without the following.

Swarmalicious' Leap Attack guide and Monkeycid's guide, for their inspiration.
pbrain's tests
Brista's feedback and commentary
Tommi Gustaffsen's site
Jarulf, Trucidation, and Crystalion, and their early research into the game engine
Ruvanal, and his continuing work on 'how it all works'
Hawkmoon: showed me how nifty Warcries and "Black" Rune Words were during our Fos Adventures.
The Legion of Greiz: where I fell in love with Battle Cry. (without that team, I'd not still be playing this silly game.)
All Variant Scum, and particularly KoP, who insists that "Items Are For Wimps!" :)


Some of Bul Kathos' Children suffer from a serious malady, a tendency to be afflicted by manic physical movement and inability to keep still, marked as well by an irresistable urge to insult anyone who does not hold as sacred Mount Arreat and the Worldstone, or who support a return visit by The Three to the World of Sanctuary. The Hyreophant spiritualists, a small sect of the Druids of Scosglen, after deep consultation with the spirit world, have classified this odd trait as a malady of the spirit. This sickness of the spirit is seen most frequently in The Clan of the Bear and the Clan of the Axe, though the charges by the Clan of the Snake that it is a result of inbreeding are not founded on anything other than interclan rivalry.

Frequently outcast from Barbarian society for their inability to keep a civil tongue in their mouths, for one reason or another, these Barbarians roam Sanctuary, compelled by some inner voice to seek out the unworthy, to challenge them, and to remove them from the world.

Never mistaken for wallflowers, or even for being discrete, these large, loud, manic warriors stand out like a Werebear in a chicken coop. They are:

Tourette's Barbarians (see appendix for discussion of this RL disorder)

What makes a Tourette's barbarian? A propensity for trash talking to and frenzied attack of any demon, undead, or monster infected by the evil of The Three. They are characterized by: (Build based on achieving level 76)

Trash Talking:

Tourette's Barbarian talks a lot, talks loudly, repeats himself, and issues insults at the drop of a hat. He cannot help himself, it's just the way he is. Love him anyway, he kills demons.

Howl 1
Taunt 20 (10-20, can depend on equipment choices)
Shout 1 to 10
BattleCry 1
Battle Orders 10
Find Potions (1 or 0)
Find Item (1 or 0)
Warcry and Grim Ward: 0

Simple and deadly weapons.

He has no patience for the hours of practice necessary for honing the correct delivery angle of thrown weapon, and his tics make handling pikes and polearms a serious risk to his friends, due to their long reach. Sword Mastery is occasionally chosen, but cutting remarks are not the usual modus operandi.

Mace or Axe Mastery 10-20, max preferred. (AR concerns drives point assignments)

Note: Taunt synergy with Frenzy give better damage bonus point for point. Counter is that +skills over take synergy +'s in the late twenties, but confer no defensive advantage.)

Increased Stamina 1
Increased Speed 1
Iron Skin 1 to 10 (to taste)
Natural Resists 1 to 5 (to taste)

Fast Twitching under the stress of combat, Frenzied attack and seemingly Berserk Rage.

Bash 1
Stun 1
Concentrate 1
Berserk 10
Double Swing 1
Double Throw 1
Frenzy 20
Leap 1 (optional)
Leap Attack 1 (optional)

Total Points: 85. The odd point here and there to boost such as Iron Skin, Shout, Battle Orders, Berserk, are left to choices of each player.

Frenzy is the primary attack mode, the Taunt offensive Frenzy synergy and defensive help the purpose of the build's focus. Berserk is placed at 10 to provide solid damage for single handed weapons and to provide 10 percent magical damage to every Frenzy attack. This helps overcome some resistance problems. Berserk can be pumped to 20 points, to give a 20% magic damage per Frenzy attack but that will cost BO and some other skills points. Beyond level 76, put points in either BO, Berserk, Natural Resists, Iron Skin, weapons Mastery, or more Battle Cry.


Tactics: Pretty simple. Taunt is both a crowd control skill and a defensive cry since it both reduces the AR of the attacker and the base damage done, as well as forcing the monsters into your engagement geometry of choice.

Typical approach after level 24(30): (BCmd)-BO-Shout-(BCmd)-Taunt__ pause__BC upon monsters closing, Frenzy until it's all a pile of corpses.

Taunt the crowd, charge in, cast Battle Cry upon engagement, and Frenzy until all are dead, rinse and repeat. Run amok while frenzied. Use the "walk" choice rather than the "run" choice when near monsters. This way, if you want to disengage, your DR will have its effect, for whatever it is worth, as you back out while moving like a chicken on crack while Frenzied.

Typical approach to boss packs: Taunt minions, BC, and slay as above. For boss, maneuver to close range, BC, attack either by Frenzy, Bask, or Berserk, depending upon the monster's attributes.

Note: Drink potions, you will. Having developed that habit in Hardcore, I find it no problem. For those who lived by leech for years, it means drinking. :)

Possible Achilles Heel: Champion Frenzytaur packs of four are still a potential problem, particularly in Hell. Reduced AR and damage is not available via Taunt, so BC is one's only solace. Tactical maneuver is required for these, and other very fast champion packs.

Lister and the Gang also seem to ignore Taunt. Cut them from the herd one at a time, Bash and movement look to be solutions. Hit you they will, so give them a nice Battle Cry hat, OK? :)

Act End Bosses: BCmd/BO/BCmd close, BC, attack with Frenzy and / or Berserk. Against Duriel, the attack speed bonuses for Frenzy are vital to overcoming his holy freeze aura, Battle Cry for reducing his damage.

For lvel 76: Distribute 375 Stat points. To succeed in HC, considerable emphasis is placed on Vitality.

Axe, or "Lizzy Borden's Brother" version:

Strength 189 Dexterity 55 Vitality 197 Energy 10 (96 base Mana)

Note: If you choose Berserker Axe, you need at least 4 more Dex Points from equipment.
Choosing a Glorious or Champion Axe allows more points to be put into Vitality from strength. The Six Socket option also makes that choice attractive, and the Champion Axe attack speed is a further inducement for choosing that axe.

Since Battle Orders boosts better based on Vitality, and does not boost as much from +life items, targeting an amount of + for strength allows more points to be put into Vitality.

Axe Weapon Goals:
Weapon 1: (dual wield)

Military Spike-War Spike: 30-48 Dmg Str Req: 133 Dex Req: 54
Clvl Req: 59 D2X Sockets: 1-6 Range: 2 Weapon Speed: -10

War Axe-Berserker Axe: 24-71 Dmg Str Req: 138 Dex Req: 59
Clvl Req: 63 D2X Sockets: 1-6 Range: 3 Weapon Speed: 0

Weapon 2: (Two Handed)

Battle Axe-Decapitator: 49-137 Dmg Str Req: 189 Dex Req: 33
Clvl Req: 59 D2X Sockets: 1-5 Range: 3 Weapon Speed: 10

Great Axe-Champion Axe: 59-94 Dmg Str Req: 167 Dex Req: 59
Clvl Req: 62 D2X Sockets: 1-6 Range: 3 Weapon Speed: -10

Giant-Glorious Axe: 60-124 Dmg Str Req: 164 Dex Req: 55
Clvl Req: 65 D2X Sockets: 1-6 Range: 3 Weapon Speed: 10

Mace: "WWF Orators"

Strength 225/253 Dexterity 40 Vitality 197 Energy 10 (96 base Mana)

Mace Weapon Goals:
Weapon 1: (dual wield)

Flail-Scourge: 3-80 1H Damage Str Req: 125 Dex Req: 77
Clvl Req: 59 Sockets: 1-5 Range: 3 Weapon Speed: -1 0

War Hammer-Legendary Mallet: 50-61 1H Damage Str Req: 189 Dex Req: None
Clvl Req: 63 Sockets: 1-4 Range: 1 Weapon Speed 2 0

Weapon 2: (Two Handed)

Maul-Ogre Maul: 77-106 2H Dmg Str Req: 225 Dex Req: None
Clvl Req: 61 Sockets: 1-6 Range: 2 Dmg Bonus: 110 Str*
Weapon Speed: 10

Great Maul-Thunder Mallet: 33-180 2H Damage Str Req: 253 Dex Req: None
Clvl Req: 67 Sockets: 1-6 Range: 3 Dmg Bonus: 110 Str*

Strength 225/253 Dexterity 40 Vitality 157 Energy 10 (Base 96 Mana)

Taking on the Thunder Mallet, particularly in HC, is a significant risk without a great deal of + Strength items to boost since Vitality may take a considerable hit.

Why? Stun and Hit Recovery. If base life if too low, this is not a MAXED BO build, so you risk being stunned from multiple hits when not wearing a shield.

More thoughts on the Tourette's Barbarian.

1. Why Taunt? Since you are going to mix it up in crowds of 1.10 monsters, who tend to hit a bit harder than their predecessors, you reduce BOTH their to hit %, and their applied damage while benefitting from 10% damage bonus per point when using Frenzy. At level 20, that is a 200% damage bonus. :) That bonus never increases, however, due to synergy caps, but the defensive benifit continues. Taunt lasts forever. (I guess insulting folks can cause them to hold a grudge.Once you Taunt an opponent, so long as you stay in the same ACT, he is forever taunted. To break a Taunt requires hitting a WP and leaving the act. :)
Caveat: Taunt does not work on: bosses, champ, or act end bosses. That is why Battle Cry is a must, even if only at one point. Items that boost War Cries are good, and will help pump Battle Orders, which is suggested at 10.

2. Taunt stacks on top of Battle Cry, which makes the damage reduction additive. (Caveat: patch 1.10 Beta) With even a modest +2 skills, either in Warcries of Barbarian skills, you can take 43 + 25 + 8 (assumes +2) 76% of the damage off of any non boss monster's attack before it is further modified by any -damage equipment you are wearing. BC also significantly reduced the Defense Rating of the monsters, which is important when onc considers that this build is aimed a low dexterity. At +8 to Warcries, you get an additional -18% damage.

3. Why are Taunt and Battle Cry important for a Frenzy Barbarian? You are without a shield, you will get hit. If the hits are hard enough, you will get put into stun/hit recovery. You can avoid any hit stunning you by the 76% reduction: that allows you to keep on Frenzying and life leeching, if so equipped, regardless of the mob's ability to hit you. If it stops your attack routine, get out of the crowd, start again.

4. Crowd Control: absent champions and Might/fanaticism bosses, you can simply mix it up on your terms. Taunt allows you to separate minions from their bosses, and to bring mobs to you when you want to run them through a choke point, be it a door or just a piece of terrain. It also drastically reduces the number of missiles you get hit with, since a missile attacker who is trying to get to you is not shooting. Likewise a spell caster. Caveat: if you bring missile shooters to you, their missiles will NOT have damage reduced by Taunt.

Warning: mixing it up with a crowd of Ghoul Lords sets you up for getting firewalls and Meteors stacked/rained down on your head in rapid succession. Use that faster walk speed to break contact in these fights, they will come to you since Taunt Is Forever. :)

5. Why Iron Skin? To let plus skills boost that passive. Shout could get a point or two extra. Its synergy with Battle Orders extends BO's duration, which is a good thing.

6. Why Natural Resistance? No shield. Nuff said. Extra points won't hurt.

7. Why "extra stamina and speed?" To get speed, so that he can walk and get around plenty fast. + skills takes care of such little boosting as is needed here.

8. Why not swords? Too much dex required, and that has a negative impact on viatlity, which is necessary. Plus, The Barbarion on the box has an Axe in his hand! Let's give a little love to The Axe! Also, Axes yield Blood Crafts, and Maces Yield Hit Power Crafts, which furthers crowd control. (Knock back is of mixed desirability.)

9. Why Berserk? To overcome various physically resistant foes and to further boost Frenzy damage.

10. Why Leap? While not necessary, it is handy for combining with Berserk 2-H, for its knock back. Bash can substitute, but it is a prereq for

11. Why Leap Attack. Tactical movement, typically withdrawal, when you screw up and get surrounded. Or, when the Champ packs are just too fast or your connection is just to freaky.

Note: Leap and Leap attack can be overlooked, optionally, since Frenzy will make you move fast. Their utility is really for crowd control, be it knock back from Leap, or withdrawal, Leap Attack. (Leap retreat?)

Equipment Discussion:


For pure damage, War/Battle/Legendary Hammers are great for dual wielding, but suffer from slow weapon speed. It takes considerable IAS on the weapon and the gloves to overcome that, though Frenzy can help boost it as well. Range of 1 is a disadvantage.

But, you are going to mix it up, so who cares about reach, eh? War hammers need IAS, so look for hammers with that affix to complement the Frenzy speed.

If you can get the runes together and a three socketer Legendary Hammer, rune word Black, one in each hand, yields IAS and 40% Crusing Blow. In hell diff, with high monster regen rates, CB is a significant advantage.

If Vitality needs boosting, a two sockteed Hammers with Strength Rune Word yield a whopping +40 Strength!! That allows a lot of vitality, offers 2 X 25% Crushing blow, and 7% mana steal. I have been a huge fan of Strength Rune Words on my Act II mercs, for ages, and I continue to like it! The boost to strength also opens up a few more options for very heavy Armor.

The other mace choice is Flails/Knouts/Scourges. Socketing either Black or Strength Rune Words is very achievable. The big advantage is SPEED. A pair of Black Scourge's, while costing a bit more in Dex, allow a slightly lower Strength (pick and Ogre Maul in that case) but insane speed and all of that wonderful Crushing Blow. Alternatively, elemental sockets are a handy choice. Range of 3 allows you to now and again reach into the second row of attackers, and is an advantage.

On a Budget? If you can find them, try a pair of Blood Flange (Unique Mace) with +strength and 33% CB per. This allows considerable Vitality pumping while maintaining the CB killing speed feature. A down side is weak to no magic damage, due to low damage base.

If you can equip +5 or more Life Regen, Malice Rune Word offers PMH, Open Wounds, and -Defense Rating. You will get to ITD quickly, but it will take a bit longer to kill the monster due to low damage bonuses. Advantage in Hell, though, is that PMH stops regeneration. :)


War Axes win out, unless pure speed of the Military Pick class is desired, since their damage and reach are much better. Sockets are the same.

Two Handed Axes? The choice is based on your expected +str boosts, and your desires for vitality boosting.

Armor: MOre is better. Shout and Iron skin help increase Defense Rating, Taunt reduces monster Attack Rating. Those add up to fewer attacks succeeding.

Resists: Required.

Interesting affixes to consider:

Crushing Blow

Open Wounds
Prevent Monster Heal
Regeneration Preventers, handy in big games and versus Bosses.

Hit Causes Monster To Flee: can thin a crowd, and you can always taunt them back to you.

Blinds Target: With short reach weapons, not all that practical, and it overwrites Battle Cry. Avoid.

Knock back: on your Rogue's Bow? Excellent crowd control accessory. On your weapons. Breaks up packs and with range 3 weapons, may induce a lot of misses. Not a super idea.

ITD: handy. Given the _defense Rating of Battle Cry, not as essential as on some other builds.

Casts Amp damage on striking
Static Field on Striking

Handy if you can find it. Speeds up killing speed considerably.

Faster Run Walk: Very nice, since you will be walking, this is goodness.

Faster Hit Recovery. Very handy, you will get hit.

The Mana Problem:

Vulpine items. Strongly recommended.

Your base mana will be low. Even with Battle Orders, you will often run short on Mana due to the use of a lot of war cries. Since you are going to get hit anyway, why not let it help you stay in the fight?

Life Leech: a good combination with Vulpine.
Mana Leech: almost mandatory.
+Mana Items: Very handy.

This draft will be revises after the patch is released.


What is Tourette's Syndrome, really?


Tourette's Reference Site

Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by tics -- involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocalizations that occur repeatedly in the same way.

Diagnostic criteria include:

-Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics present at some time, although not necessarily simultaneously;
-The occurrence of tics many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every day or intermittently throughout the span of more than one year;
-Periodic changes in the number, frequency, type and location of the tics, and in the waxing and waning of their severity. Symptoms can sometimes disappear for weeks or months at a time;

Although the word "involuntary" is used to describe the nature of the tics, this is not entirely accurate. It would not be true to say that people with TS have absolutely no control over their tics, as though it was some type of spasm; rather, a more appropriate term would be "compelling." People with TS feel an irresistable urge to perform their tics, much like the need to scratch a mosquito bite. Some people with TS are able to hold back their tics for up to hours at a time, but this only leads to a stronger outburst of tics once they are finally allowed to be expressed.

Coprolalia (see below) does not have to be exclusively swear words. Many times coprolalia manifests itself as socially inappropriate or unacceptable words or phrases, such as the overwhelming urge to use a racial epithet, even though that is the last thing you want to do. Something about the "forbiddenness" of it impells a person with coprolalia to say it, seemingly against their will. Another important thing to remember about coprolalia is that although this symptom has been sensationalized by the media, it is actually rare, occuring in less than 30% of people who have a severe case.

Copropraxia: Copropraxia: Making obscene gestures.

Coprolalia: Coprolalia: Vocalizing obscene or other socially unacceptable words or phrases


For those who find the Tourette's Barbarian an offensive appelation for this style:

Get a sense of humor, or piss off. Oh, sorry, I felt compelled to say that, I could not help myself. :P
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

Messages In This Thread
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by Occhidiangela - 07-23-2003, 11:18 PM
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by jms - 08-05-2003, 08:20 PM
Draft Tourette's Barbarian Guide: 1.00dr - by Guest - 12-10-2003, 06:36 PM

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