Path of Exile free to play in about six hours.
Gravicious Merc was easier than any other version of him.

On the other hand, the Barracks, and the charging Shield guys are murdering me. I got out of the way point, Dropped my skellie totem so that I had some protection and they just ran past the skellie totem, and the skellies, and pounded me into the ground. 2 charges and I was dead. the second, I didn't even have to time hit my granite flask.

On another note, I was finally able to get my chest to link up as a 4L, so I've come out 100 Mana ahead thanks to my reduced mana gem and my auras. It hasn't put me far enough ahead to allow me to run another aura (yet) but it has me wondering a couple of things.

1.) Should I continue to use my current strategy? I'm currently using Arc, but i've backed out of the extra Shock Nodes for the time being to help build up my survivability. Is arc still going to be worth running to spread shock? I think so, because it adds the most "benefit" from what I can see. BY getting Shock on my targets, it's upping the DPS of my subsequent Arcs, as well as the DPS of my minions. And I've actually found with this strategy, I like running one of the mages from the barracks (that also arc and cast Lightning Thorns), and 2 of the mages from the Battlefront (who cast Spark and Lightning Thorns)

I'm torn though. I'm not sure what I would replace it with, But I'm definitely open to suggestions.

2.) Am I running the right auras? I'm running

I would love to get to a point where I'm running Vitality as well, but it's a flat 40% reserve. Will that be affected by Reduced Mana as well? I'm not sure what other auras I could run, but It has me wondering.

3.) Does Life Leech work on Spells? (Support Gem) I'm curious if I could add Life Leech to my Arc, and then run down to pick up Ghost Reaver, and leech back my ES. I'm just not sure if the Support Gem works on it.

4.) I've noticed something odd with my Granite Flask I'm using. It's a 20% Flask. It has
77% Increased Armour for the Duration.
I currently have just my shield that gives me armour. It gives 162
I have +100% Armour from my Passives. That puts me at 177% Armour for the duration
324 Armour Walking around
When I pop the Granite Flask, I Should go to
((162 + 4000)*1.77) + (162+4000)
(4162)*1.77 + (4162)
11528.74 Armour.

Instead, I'm up over 15k.

Am I not doing this right? Is it actually taking it as
4162*2 = 8324 (for the extra 100% from passive)
And then 8324 * 1.77 = 14733.48 (For the increase from the flask)?

But then, that's still ~500 Armor less than what the Character sheet is showing..

Color me confused.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Path of Exile free to play in about six hours. - by shoju - 05-13-2013, 03:31 PM

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