Help review my PC workstation build list, please and thanks.
(04-30-2013, 12:43 AM)Drasca Wrote: Check out this drive retailers say is available in a month:

That's crazy, as in crazy good. Some of the replies there speculates that it might not be fully enterprise ready yet, but at this point I say that's beside the point. Reliability improvement hasn't stopped AFAIk, and will probably continue to advance. HDDs are not going away anytime soon, but breaking the Terrabyte \gig per dollar barrier, is amazing.

Even if all it does is drive the price down on current SSDs, it's still a benefit. Time to save my nickels and dimes.

Quote:Ahaha I am not surprised the code is inefficient and unable to flex his hardware muscle.

Yep. This isn't to just single out Adobe, but IMO it's a sign of a bigger problem.

I remember when I was a wee lad, learning on the family compu-tron the bottleneck was hardware.

Nowadays 9 times out of 10 (completely unscientific number I just pull out) it's just as likely to be software. Either inefficient, feature creeped, or bloated.

There is no good reason I can think of at the moment, why that user with a beastly dual Xeon, 128 gig ram, a top tiered Quadro card, is struggling with the Smudge tool in PS. Especially when he mention it tears through video editing, which is usually more taxing than static image editing.

The closest my non-scientific, non programming mind can come up is PS can be nutty in some areas. If PS was a Commander, it would sometimes lead an attack with a bayonet charge. Despite having artillery support, air support, multiple Hellfire drones, a tank division, mechanized infantry, a recon sniper team in place, and solid intel on the enemy position.

Occasionally, it starts yelling out 'TROOPS! FIX BAYONETS!' The rest of the force is all:...uh...sir?
Ready all bayonets people...

Quote:So basically, risky either way. Take your pick. I'm happy with my two rigs though. I've already played Borderlands 2 with an invited friend over and played it crispy clear. I just realized I technically could do all four players in Borderlands 2 in my apartment. Hmmm... 2 Laptops able to play it smoothly, and two Desktops.

Nice. Add beer and pizza, that's pretty much a textbook perfect LAN party. Big Grin

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RE: Help review my PC workstation build list, please and thanks. - by Hammerskjold - 04-30-2013, 11:31 PM

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