Help review my PC workstation build list, please and thanks.
Quote:However, even given all that, GPU bitcoin mining still heavily favors AMD due to the nature their design. They're a better bang for buck.

CUDA miners just seem to be buggy sometimes as well. I started looking into bitcoin mining a few weeks ago, to see if I could make some extra money while I was at work. However, all the CUDA miners I've tried fail to load the CUDA module, for no specified reason. This seems to be a fairly common problem, and I even tried compiling the miner myself (which has fixed the error for some people), but still no luck.

So at the rate I can mine with an OpenCL miner (running on a single NVIDIA 680 gtx), I'm probably earning less than I'm paying in electricity.

Quote:but the price of bitcoins is only going to go up. So I am taking that risk.

If you're confident of this, wouldn't it make more sense to invest 4K in bitcoins themselves rather than try to mine a few yourself?
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields

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RE: Help review my PC workstation build list, please and thanks. - by LennyLen - 04-11-2013, 04:29 PM

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