Secession Petitions, the Election, and the News.
(11-14-2012, 10:10 PM)Jester Wrote: Canada and Quebecois separatism is the obvious analogy

That one came really close to being an actual thing in 1995, when a provincial referendum took place. The motion to decide whether Quebec should secede from Canada was defeated by a very narrow margin of 49.42% "Yes" to 50.58% "No".

I think that a state or province that wished to secede from their country needs to consider the fact that by doing so they will be cutting themselves off from all things provided at a Federal level. It's things that we all take for granted like postal delivery, currency, transfer payments from the Federal level to the state/province, and so forth. All of that would be gone.

I'm not educated enough about this, but has there been any successful secessions from a first world nation in recent history?

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RE: Secession Petitions, the Election, and the News. - by DeeBye - 11-15-2012, 05:31 AM

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