Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy.

If you want to use science to make your point, what is your stance on ending life of animals?
Many animals have exactly the same feelings and brain functions when babies (or fetus) and even more when adult.

Here I assume you will make a qualitative judgement where you say life of a human is worth more than that of an animal.*

So science on one end.....and a qualitative judgement based on your world view on the other hand.

So what is it?

And if you say a human life is worth more than an animal life is that statement based on religion?
Or is it based on more concern for 'your own group'.....and if that last thing holds for you is it all humankind you consider as your own group? Or only americans? And if 'no' wouldn't it be wiser to instead of stigmatizing young pregnant women who are in serious mental difficulty just go to africa and help over there. I mean women who loose their child against their will because of poverty or disease?

* I answered the question for you because I remember such a statement from you before.

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RE: Bourgeois pigs kill suicidal 16 year old boy. - by eppie - 11-13-2012, 05:37 PM

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