11-10-2012, 07:53 PM
(11-10-2012, 05:32 PM)FireIceTalon Wrote: Aborting a down-syndrome baby simply falls into the fact that I am pro-choice and believe that no one can tell a woman what to do with her body. Abortion being a form of eugenics is very hotly debated, but I fall into the camp that says that it isn't. I know you are emphasizing motive here (Down Syndrome), but at the end of the day this comes down to the mothers rights to choose. I think many people with Down Syndrome are prone to have a much harder life than someone who doesn't, but I or anyone else is in no position to make that judgement if they should be aborted or not - that is the mothers call and hers only.
Okay. So why isn't it the mother's right to choose if their child has blue eyes and blonde hair? Or, for that matter, six eyes, wings, and solar panels? If it's entirely up to the mother, then what right do the rest of us have to tell her she can't modify the genetics of her fetus?
And if you're going to say "because that's a Pandora's box," then by what right to mothers have the right to abort fetuses with Down Syndrome? That's the same Pandora's box.