(10-24-2012, 08:16 PM)kandrathe Wrote: In the Abrahamic religions, evil(sin) exists in the world as expressions of free-will in opposition to God. Without the possibility of evil, there can not be free will, or freely given love. We'd be relegated to robotic devotion. The divine permission for the existence of evil, or badness, or even death is the hardest part for even many theists to understand.
That sort of runs hand in hand with what I'm saying.
Quote:Mississippi Tea party bigot says something stupid, news at 11.
I just picked another doozy from the days news cycle, would you like me to go back and mention the MIssouri Republican's remarks on Rape and Abortion?
Or another idiot republican and abortion and rape?
Or Mitt Romney's comments about almost half of America feeling that they are victims who rely on the government?
Or Mitt Romney's taped comments coaxing employers to influence the way their employees vote?
Or the Republican Party in Maine attempting character assassination because the Democratic Candidate played WoW as recently as 2010?
I can come up with all kinds of fantastic moments this Election Cycle where people have said the dumbest shit, without letting the words pass through a filter in their brain to realize that what they are about to say should probably not be said
Quote:They took all the Democratic party rejects. Once upon a time, there used to be conservative Democrats.
That's.... not even remotely going to explain what I'm saying. There are still conservative Democrats, and there are still liberal Republicans. They are just called Moderates now, and since we Moderates don't make as much noise as those on the far sides of the aisle, we are normally ignored.
But that's not the point. That doesn't explain why, somewhere along the way, the Republican Party turned away from it's core platform to embrace ideologies that stand directly in contrast to the original party's founding beliefs, and why People of Faith (specifically those of Abrahamic Faith) have decided that the Conservative views of the Republican Party on Social Welfare are ok, despite their "Holy Word of God" (the Bible) telling them that they should care and love for all, and they should help those in need.
So do me a favor, and don't try to make it some partisan party BS out of it. If the Republican Party were still operating solely based on it's platform, and not off of Religious standings, they wouldn't be telling you (as a party) that they are against LGBT rights (including Marriage), and they wouldn't be making such noise about Abortion, since the Supreme Court ruled it Legal.
The Republican Party's foundation lies in LESS Government in your life, but when it comes to what a woman can and can't do with her reproductive rights, and whether or not two people who love each other can be joined in marriage, they want the government right up your ass about it. It's a contradiction that finds itself rooted in exactly what I'm talking about. The republican party has been overtaken by a very loud group of People who are making decisions based on faith.
Quote:So this is about access to abortion? Isn't that also a question (at least on one side) of life or death?
For me, this is about the Supreme Court ruling that Women have the right to choose. That, IMO, is the end of the discussion. My personal beliefs about the topic are my personal beliefs about the topic. You were given the right, and it's not mine to be take away.
Quote:Just to be clear... The Bible does not say that rape is Gods plan -- it's as distorted as the wacko Phelps family interpretation that God hates America for loving gays.
Bolded for Truth
Quote:From a Christian perspective, I think it's highly debatable whether new human life is itself an atrocity under any circumstances. Or in other words, that you can't rule out the possibility of good results from evil acts. Not that it justifies said acts (i.e. makes them not sinful), but at the same time you can't necessarily condemn all consequences of said acts.
For those who equate abortion with murder and yet allow exceptions for rape/incest, it makes me wonder that what is really at stake here is not so much the question of human life, but rather how sexual responsibility is doled out. (I.E. pregnancy is a women's fault unless she is forced, and avoiding abortion is nothing more than "taking responsibility.") Or on the other hand considering the incest angle, maybe it's really just about what kinds of human beings are fit to exist or not. In that case those looking to abort disabled pregnancies might not be so different after all.
And I'm saying that since the Supreme Court of the United States of America, that decision rests solely on the woman who is pregnant, and anyone that she decides to involve in the decision.
It's not my choice. Or Kandrathe's Choice. Or your Choice. It is their choice.
For me, it isn't a religious issue at all. It's a political issue, of freedoms and personal choice. The Bible says that God gave man Free Will. The United States of America says that she has the right to choose. Case Closed.
Maybe, it's because I have been a part of that decision making process. Maybe because I had to sit down, and think about the possibility that if my wife had carried that pregnancy to term, I was going to be faced with the very real possibility that IF my wife made it to term, I would be faced with not bringing home my wife and child.
We decided that the abortion was the right thing to do. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever been a part of. In the end, we ended up going on to have 2 beautiful children together, and part of me still looks back on that first time and wonders "what if". But then part of me also remembers that I might not even have my wife and 2 children right now.
That wasn't someone else's decision to make. That was ours. It had nothing to do with sexual responsibility. It had nothing to do with what kind of human beings are fit to exist. It had everything to do with the choice that we had to make. And for someone to think that somehow, that decision was theirs to decide for us, is probably not something they would ever want to say to my face.
It's why I'm Pro Choice. I would rather we live in a world where abortions never happened. But sometimes, they happen. And sometimes, it's necessary. And as long as SCOTUS has determined that there is the right to choose, it isn't a decision that anyone but the people immediately involved should even think they have the right to speak about.
I understand the politicians are there to change things. I understand that it's a debate point, and last Presidential Election Cycle, the talk was tolerable. This cycle, it's nauseating.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright