The Individual Vs. The State, An Unusual Case
(10-02-2012, 07:11 AM)cheezz Wrote: I don't know what the Duelfer report is, but I do remember what the UN inspectors had to say, which strangely enough, most people ignore. They decided that Saddam had WMD's because of what they didn't find, rather than what they did. There were literally tons of chemicals and biological agents which were accounted for back in the early nineties but had disappeared without a trace by the milennium. No information could be found about the location/existence for a whole lot of stuff that the inspectors saw in the nineties. I personally heard one of the chief inspectors say this in an interview with a news channel at the time they finished their inspections.

The UN inspectors were forced (by the US and brittain) to stay in Iraq until they would find something. In the process they have stated several times that they didn't think there were any WMDs. In the end they have been forced even more pursasively to come with a conclusion that would fit the US and UK.
Why do we have to keep talking about this when even Bush and Blair have admitted their mistakes? Colin Powell admitted he was lying, nothing has been found etc. etc. etc.

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RE: The Individual Vs. The State, An Unusual Case - by eppie - 10-02-2012, 10:38 AM

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