The Individual Vs. The State, An Unusual Case
I just cut out the most important piece of this article.

****"I don't think it's right, but it's not my place to tell him he can't do it," said George W. Westmoreland, 79, who served three tours of duty in Vietnam. "I laid my life on the line so he would have the right to do this. This is what freedom is about."****

We are always discussing the reason and causes for going to war.....many conspiracy theories are flung on the internet, so it is good that we have some real facts here.

The US got involved in Vietnam because it is so important that we can burry anyone anywhere we want! It had nothing to do with the cold war and so on.

I also heard that the first gulf war was to protect our rights to celebrate pancake day, while Saddam was finally removed because he wanted to ban peeing against trees.

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RE: The Individual Vs. The State, An Unusual Case - by eppie - 09-27-2012, 07:20 AM

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