09-13-2012, 06:42 AM
(09-12-2012, 09:07 PM)Jester Wrote: The inquisition is hardly the last piece of Christian-inspired psychosis. Explicitly Christian Anti-Jewish pogroms were common in Christian lands well into the 20th century, notably in Russia, where hundreds of thousands were killed.
Jester, well put, the whole post is a very good explanation about was is wrong with the assumptions Ashock, and many others make.
I quoted this particar paragraph because I remember Ashock saying was he is from the Ukraine originally.
If so I am sure you are well aware of the situation there. Kiev is not a nice place to walk around in if you are gay, black, jewish, muslim, communist etc. Same as in countries like Poland.
This may very well be caused by years of communist oppression, but that doesn't make it right to think and behave like that.
Now I am sure that you yourself are not like that (like probably 90% of ukrainians that went abroad (I know many personally) so I guess you wouldn't like us here to say that all ukrainians are violent racists? And you would correctly argue that I was wrong probably.
I really detest muslim extremism, and although the cause and the reason that ther is violence were (explained by Jester) are linked to the poverty and less developed countries it doesn't make it right.
My main problem with your comments is that they are typical of christian westeners who don't manage to look a bit farther. Who don't see that the US is a christian extremist country, that the US if it wants just invades a country.
It is the same discussion people always have about the israel/palastinian conflict.....yes true, the palastinians use terrorism, but don't forget Israel doesn't need to because they have the strongest army in the world relatively speaking. It is not called terrorism but action of war of a free nation, but that doesn't make it any less violent.