Ohio miners forced to attend Romney rally without pay...
(09-10-2012, 06:35 PM)Jester Wrote: Why can't they both be wrong?
If we believe this kind of political coercion is morally wrong (if not legally) -- it should be equally wrong for anyone who benefits from it.

I can understand Bob Murray's possible intent, in that the coal industry's bread is buttered with a Romney presidency, and probably toasted under Obama. It's still wrong. Then again, he is a guy who can sleep at night while promoting the gradual heavy metal poisoning of the planet.

shoju Wrote:...yet he is threatening to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood, introduce legislation that would put the government in the business of regulating a woman's body, and denying civil rights to a group of people because of the person that they love.
If he supports get the government out of the concerns of deciding/influencing 'Birth Control' or 'Marriage' then he is practicing less government. I'd like to see them cut off funding for many things that I think should be done, but just not by my federal, state, or local government. For example, in a fascist society the government tells you what to eat. In my sons (government run) schools this year -- when they go through the school lunch line if they refuse to get a serving of fruits and vegetables -- they are charged 50 cents more. Instead, they get the serving, and throw it away, thus saving 50 cents. I guess eventually, they'll have to hire another Nazi to police the garbages to charge them for waste.

But, you are right in that there is a block of the Republican party that is just as fascist as the Democratic party in trying to use government to control peoples lives. I don't want the government making birth control decisions. I don't want the government making health care decisions. I don't want the government making decisions on whom I might associate with, or whom I decide to marry. There should be no legal advantages or laws that favor or discriminate based on marital status. The opposite of government control is liberty, something we should attempt to preserve.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: Ohio miners forced to attend Romney rally without pay... - by kandrathe - 09-10-2012, 07:15 PM

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