08-04-2012, 08:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2012, 11:53 PM by Archon_Wing.)
(08-04-2012, 06:26 PM)RedRadical Wrote: ^^And this is what is called being DELUSIONAL.
I guess water isnt wet, pigs do fly, the Holocaust is a myth, evolution is just a theory, and the tooth fairy and gods do exist......sheesh.
You're not helping either... let's not pretend to be arbitrator of truths here, because none of us are.
I'll be frank. I'm pretty arrogant myself, and I think most people in general don't know about inferno, and aren't qualified to comment. I've sold more than the game's value on the RMAH, reached and farmed act 3 inferno on a softcore character and am almost heading 60 in hardcore before I got bored since the last person on my friend's list quit. Less than 250 hours, and a lot of it was idling for AH. Oh, and softcore is a joke compared to hardcore. Lag demons are the strongest elite. :p
You have to remember. When Sirian was (rightfully) complaining about melee, I was part of the L2P crowd. I felt it was too early to know everything about the game, and that one should troubleshoot their own game. 200 hours later though, I realized I was being way too harsh, even though I was right that our play could be refined more. And then uncovered the real problems.
But I'm not going to claim people are delusional or have no points, even though I'll be cocky enough to say that I am confident in my skill and knowledge of the game. There is a player far more stronger and wiser than I, and even he ragequit the game, after getting untold millions in softcore (w/o using the AH til inferno), quite a killing on the AH and multiple 60s in hardcore in about 500 hours. There really is nothing at the end.
Sometimes though, in these threads, I feel that you and I play a different game from others. That's the problem. Through that, we can answer why we have high level characters-- to rule ourselves out as the problem.
Anyhow, I'm afraid LochnarITB is right. Although sometimes one will receive compliments about good service, most will just leave quietly. It's when service is bad that it's louder.
But this is why I'm vocal about both. If a place of business greatly pleases me, I usually inform them, to encourage them to do more of it. (Though of course, $ talks). If they do a crap job, well, I usually let them know that too, but usually I just avoid coming again.
That doesn't change the endgame being trash though.

With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
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