US Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Health Care Act
I miss a few weeks at the Lounge, and everything goes crazy! Wink

Re: Children - I have none, so I'm not super-qualified for this topic

Re: Sexism - Already covered this, but I'll double-down with the fact that there are a lot of subtly sexist / racist phrases (ex: 'gypped' ) that exist in common usage that I try to make a conscience decision to avoid, so I'm sorry I missed this one.

Re: Elections - People vote for people (candidates) who are supposed to tell other people (everyone) what to do, but in turn are actually told by others (corporations) what they (candidates, again) have to do.

Re: Healthcare - The news seems to have super-died down from this. The Mainstream media / political circuit officially has some form of Attention disorder (no disrespect to people that actually have ADD/ADHD)

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RE: US Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Health Care Act - by RiotInferno - 07-23-2012, 08:16 PM

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