Hey, here is one way to get more voter support
(06-28-2012, 09:51 PM)Taem Wrote: ... however: if Mexico's problems are from the drug trade, remove drugs.. duh! But I'm saying that even before drugs was the epidemic it is now, we still had an illegal immigration issue in American from many nations, but particularly Mexico, due to the political state and poverty of Mexico, and curing drugs is only part of the answer.
They have the same root, but different branches one produces criminals, and the other refugees seeking a better life in greener pastures (like on the TV show Dallas). Mexico's main problem is that once in awhile, they can get it right and make a productive economy for awhile. The proverbial goose, laying the golden eggs -- which is promptly eaten by greedy and corrupt politicians.

Quote:Yes, absolutely! If your suggesting fixing the drug issue will solve both America's and Mexico's illegal immigration problem (the issue this topic is based on), then I'd say your wrong! Mexicans come here to get out of poverty, because they see it as the only way to make ends meet sometimes, working a minimum wage job that's triple (or greater) what they'd receive in Mexico. It's not even a choice for them, it's a necessity and I fail to see how fixing the drug-trade will give Mexican's more, better, and higher-paying jobs.

Quote:Perhaps in your case, but there is a proven correlation - one YOU have shown ME a few times in the past - between poverty and crime in today's age. Short on time here so I'll make this quick; are you now disputing that fact now? Anyways, I'm enjoying this conversation. I look forward to your response.
I'm not.

But, ask yourself why is there a difference between what occurs south of the border, and what happens north of the border. The demographics are essentially the same, the availability of drugs and guns is the same (in fact, I argue guns are more freely available throughout the US than in Mexico). Why is El Paso so much different than Juarez? Sure, we have some violence, and even some minor corruption of officials, but nothing like what happens south of the border. There is something very different in the very core of the two systems -- something that will take Mexico a very, very long time to change, if ever. Which is why I patently reject your notion that we need to wait for Mexico to change... I would even say that there are fatal flaws in the fundamental structures in the Mexican system, such as their legal system.

”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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RE: Hey, here is one way to get more voter support - by kandrathe - 06-28-2012, 11:52 PM

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