Hey, here is one way to get more voter support
When I mentioned "troops", you could substitute that for diplomats, government sponsored missionaries, spies... I get your point however: if Mexico's problems are from the drug trade, remove drugs.. duh! But I'm saying that even before drugs was the epidemic it is now, we still had an illegal immigration issue in American from many nations, but particularly Mexico, due to the political state and poverty of Mexico, and curing drugs is only part of the answer.

Quote:And, we care about Mexico over say Kenya due to its location? Yes, as individuals we care. How much should we expect our federal government to do in bringing social equity to the entire world (not just Mexico). Because, right after you solve the Mexico problem, you'll have the Brazil problem, or the Philippines problem, or China, or India. We should also note that we don't have the resources (i.e. we have a deficit/debt) to plan for our own peoples future, let alone take on that of the planet.

Yes, absolutely! If your suggesting fixing the drug issue will solve both America's and Mexico's illegal immigration problem (the issue this topic is based on), then I'd say your wrong! Mexicans come here to get out of poverty, because they see it as the only way to make ends meat sometimes, working a minimum wage job that's triple (or greater) what they'd receive in Mexico. It's not even a choice for them, it's a necessity and I fail to see how fixing the drug-trade will give Mexican's more, better, and higher-paying jobs.

Quote:As for quality of life issues... Back when I was in grade school, my family had a little cabin up north in rural Minnesota 25 miles from a paved road. During the summer, my mother, sisters, and I would live up at the cabin. We didn't have electricity (oil lamps at night). We had a hand pump, with a well we put in ourselves. We had a garden, in which we grew much of our own food and we fished off the dock. We had an outhouse, which was a scary 100 yards walk from the cabin at 2am -- not to mention the spiders. And, since I was in grade school, I only had a grade school education. Smile I don't remember suffering (except the walk to the outhouse -- and the spiders). Maybe a better measure of poverty would be having a dirt floor, or no access to fuel for cooking, or not enough nutritious food.

Perhaps in your case, but there is a proven correlation - one YOU have shown ME a few times in the past - between poverty and crime in today's age. Short on time here so I'll make this quick; are you now disputing that fact now? Anyways, I'm enjoying this conversation. I look forward to your response.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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RE: Hey, here is one way to get more voter support - by Taem - 06-28-2012, 09:51 PM

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