Hey, here is one way to get more voter support
(06-28-2012, 05:11 AM)kandrathe Wrote:
Quote:To me, it's like the parents who drill into their kids, "don't do drugs," only, they push too hard and the kids rebel and end up being junkies on the street.
So you are saying we are pushing Mexico too hard to clean up their mess?

I'm saying that by telling them what to do in their country, they are inadvertently stepping back and doing nothing. Here comes another analogy, only because it happened to me last night: dog was thirsty after running in the park, tried to give dog water by "showing" him where it was, dog didn't want water because he felt like he was being forced and that desire to rebel was greater than his need to quench his thirst. All living organism have that desire; it's what causes us to strive, overcome adversity, and evolve, but in Mexico's case, it's not a good thing.

Quote:So the real question is, how do you get Mexico to change Mexico?
And, you are accusing me of rose colored glasses! No, I'm drowning in cynicism. I just take it as a given that Mexico will remain a messed up 3rd world pain in our backside. Anything more, and its a bonus.

Quote:We can wring our hands at their failure to stop their cops from being druglords, or we can do something about it on our side of the border.

I agree with you that America should do it's part - I'm not disputing this - but I don't believe anything will ever be completely resolved until Mexico does its part, and when I see posters saying, "we" should do "this" to solve the immigration problem, it makes me sad because only Mexico can really fix Mexico's issues. We can do our part here in America, sure, but how can you move such stubborn people to help themselves? You solve that riddle and you've just come up with an answer to the core issue of immigration from Mexico.

How many hundreds of thousands have we (the US) spent sending troops overseas to help teach poor Afghans and Iraqi's how to read and write, about fairness and democracy? Yet we spend millions, maybe even billions annually to stop the war on drugs which might better be spent sending in troops into Mexico to help the indigenous people learn to make a difference in their community. You don't know how many stories I hear from my employees about "where they come from" in Mexico where there is no electricity, no paved roads, no running water. I'd say a good 50% of our workers have about a grade-school education in Mexico, if they are lucky! I'm not exaggerating! There are *better* ways to help Mexico than to "shoot to kill", or even make drugs legal - although this one would make a big dent.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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RE: Hey, here is one way to get more voter support - by Taem - 06-28-2012, 04:31 PM

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